Profile of bungee or not bungeed

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As long as you don't want to go the DIR way, here's something you can hook onto your doubles to go along with your bungee wings!!

I thought you might appreciate that!

Someone who saw it said:

" I don't see anything wrong with those fittings.
I am a certified gas specialist and all those fittings look just
beautiful!.........if you are using them in a fireplace."


FYI-interesting bit of info from the GUE fundementals book relating to drag and surface area (bungee wings. dangling hoses/gauges etc.):

"....What this means is that if one doubles the surface area of something, this results in a resistance that is four times the original resistance, and in turn this requires an increase in energy nearly sixteen times as great to offset the increase in resistance" (my emphasis)

Even a hose improperly postitioned will cause undue energy to be expended. Imagine the energy consumption from a too-large wing!

Okay, I'll quit now. Probably drumming up old thread arguements....

Dive safe,

Originally posted by detroit diver
As long as you don't want to go the DIR way, here's something you can hook onto your doubles to go along with your bungee wings!!

DD you owe me a dry cleaning bill for my shirt. Please forewarn us next time you post something like this... Spraying coffee through one's nostrils is an extremely unpleasant thing to have to do.


Sorry for the mess! I hope you didn't burn your nostrils...

I owe you a cup of coffee someday.

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