Profile of bungee or not bungeed

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I was wondering about the air shift in a non-bungeed wing. I know Halcyon and other manufactureres don't recommend the use of a larger wing with a single tank.

The fear is that that wing will wrap around the tank and in doing so will prevent air from being vented.

Would a bungeed wing prevent this "wrapping and trapping" of air effect? I know many divers are fearful of the bungee-it can snag on things, it's been said that you can't orally inflate a bungee wing at depth(has anyone ever tried or is this just another fear), it just doesn't fit DIR rules(the main reason I want to try it)

I dive mostly singles and occasionaly doubles. I don't want to buy two seperate wings. I would rather invest my money in an U/W metal detector so I can recoope my diving equipment loses-HAHA I'm going to get all my money back by finding old beer cans and anchors.........


The good news is that you can orally inflate a bungeed wing at depth, I have tried it and it works fine. That's an old wives tale, kind of like the belief that Nitrox will reduce narcosis.

The bad news is that almost everyone will tell you that you should use a larger wing for doubles than what you should use for a single tank. The bungee will allow you the vent air more easily and more uniformly but comes with the cost of a minor entaglement hazard and will prevent you from shifting air in your wings should you have the need. On most bungeed wings, you can remove and replace the bungees should you choose to.

I like the fact that diving now has "old wives tales" kind of gives the sport a history.

I thoguht that old wives tale about not being able to inflate a bungeed wing at depth to be false. I have a bungeed BC and it's not hard to inflate at depth either.

Tanks a lot
I dive my #100 lb bungeed wing of death with singles all of the time... literally, since I rarely use my doubles. I have a custom made spreader plate which keeps my bladder from "Blowin' in the breeze". It is about a 5/8" bigger than a backplate and has holes drilled all around the perimeter to accomodate different attachments. The STA sits on top of it and it sits on top of the wing which sits on top of the actual backplate. I do believe that a backplate would work, but the extra size really keeps my bladder in place. BTW, it is made from 1/8" thick aluminum plate and has a simple bend down the middle to accomodate the curvature of the backplate. Quite simple really, and it keeps the entire package stable... which is a good thing when you try and inflate it at depth... :tease:

That sounds like a good alternative to buying two sets of wings. I had never heard of a spreader plate until now. It does to show us that if we lurk around ScubaBoard long enough, we can pick up a lot of new knowledge.
Ooo.....#100 lbs. of lift! That's a lot of lift even for my big arse!

I was looking to get a Fred T. "heavy" short version SS plate with the "heavy" STA. I need the extra weight for my thick dry suit undies(actually a snowmobile suit)and the adipose tissue I'm carrying around.

Ebay does have a lot of good gear and quite a bit of it is sold by divers who have taken loving care of it.

Thanks for the idea Uncle Pug.

Originally posted by buff
Ooo.....#100 lbs. of lift! That's a lot of lift even for my big arse!

Thanks for the idea Uncle Pug.


Oh, yah...sure....

Just received the link in an email....
Know the young feller that is selling it....
Originally posted by buff
I was wondering about the air shift in a non-bungeed wing. I know Halcyon and other manufactureres don't recommend the use of a larger wing with a single tank.

The fear is that that wing will wrap around the tank and in doing so will prevent air from being vented.

Would a bungeed wing prevent this "wrapping and trapping" of air effect? I know many divers are fearful of the bungee-it can snag on things, it's been said that you can't orally inflate a bungee wing at depth(has anyone ever tried or is this just another fear), it just doesn't fit DIR rules(the main reason I want to try it)

I dive mostly singles and occasionaly doubles. I don't want to buy two seperate wings. I would rather invest my money in an U/W metal detector so I can recoope my diving equipment loses-HAHA I'm going to get all my money back by finding old beer cans and anchors.........


I will admit to using my 55lb wing for both singles in a pool and my double LP95's with drysuit. This is not DIR (per se), and it's not optimal by any means. That said, it does work and does a fairly good job too. I haven't experienced the air trapping, but the wing certainly does wrap around the tank quite a bit causing excess drag. One of these days, I'm going to buy a 36lb wing for my wife who's getting ready to take her OW class :mean: :thumb:.

There is no way I would substitute a bungied wing for my 55lb wing for singles or any other configuration. It's never been a question of IF you orally inflate a bungie wing, but rather the effort involved in doing so. It obviously takes more effort to orally inflate a bungie wing than a non bungie wing. People who know anything about CO2 at greater depths will know that this excess effort is a bad idea. The single worst problem with bungies is consequences of poking a hole in the wing. Of course, we already discussed all of this the other thread.

Take care.

Ahhhhhhhhhh PUG

That has got to be a win-win situation if I ever have seen one.


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