Proear2000 mask

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Ozark, Missouri
After my OW certification i ended up having a ear infection that lasted about a week and a half, i did also notice that my left ear was very hard to equalize duirng my first dives but i fiqured that i would take some time getting used to . I then heard about the Proear2000 mask, with your ears being in a dry enviroment i was wondering how easy it would be to eqaulize and has any body had any luck with it or heard anything on them.

We have sold quite a few ProEar2000 masks, and haven't had any returned. But, they went to mainly snorkelers that had a history of ear infections. I haven't tried one to see if it really helps with equalizing.

Bottom line, if you want to try one...make sure it fits you! The Pro Ear doesn't come in different skirts, so if it doesn't fit, it won't work if you are diving.

Try it out in a pool and see if it really does work for you.
I've got one. I've never had an ear infection, but thought I'd try one out to see if it helped to reduce the 'water in the ear' syndrome. It seems to keep my ears drier, and I equalize in the same way as usual.

I think that's the one my buddy in the UK has - used to take her an age to get down which was a bit awkward when doing deco dives. It works a treat - at least for her....

I think that this is an Israeli development. I have seen a nice review in an Israeli diving magazine. I is said to make pressure comparison easy, while keeping the ears dry.

That said, I did not try it myself.

You are entitled to your opinions of course but to dismiss this important new diving innovation with a flippant answer about the model is just not serious.

We manufacture the mask which has solved serious problems for hundreds of divers to date and as we are the inventors and manufacturers of the product we do not want to be accused of spamming here. See what the ProEar users themselves have to say about this "gimmick" as you call it.


If you want to test and evaluate the ProEar, contact me and I will arrange for it.

Safe Diving

Yes, I am entitled to my opinions, and I am not known for taking others or myself too seriously. Call it a deeply seated character flaw if you will, because I do not intend to “fix it”. As for it looking gimmicky, it actually does look gimmicky. I do not believe that I could stand the ridicule of my diving buds (as shallow as they or I might be) if I were to show up wearing your mask. I would have to have a medical reason to use it. However, if you want to improve a product listen to your critics, and do not summarily dismiss them without analyzing what they said and why they said it. I obviously do not know you, so I have no ulterior motives. I obviously have a problem with the way your mask looks; else, I would not make such a “flippant” remark. Possibly my remark hastened the other positive remarks, so maybe you should be glad that it at least generated some interest. Either way, when introducing a new product do not expect ONLY positive feedback. You will always get both positive and negative and IF you weigh those responses with the right attitude, you can evolve your technology even higher.
It was not I who was dismissing anyone.

Your response to our product was not the first time we have had any criticism or
suspicion, we have no problem with that and we are constantly looking for constructive criticism and new ideas. I just think you just blew it off without really knowing what it the ProEar is all about.

And I do think you are correct in not taking yourself too seriously. You must know from experience.

My best wishes to your diving "Buds"
Safe Diving,

Go over to the message board and use the search function to search for ProEar -- there is quite a bit of feedback (including a few detailed reviews) and most of it looks positive from what I've seen, especially from folks who have experienced ear problems. Howard is a frequent poster over there as well and has provided a lot of folks with details on this product.

Howard -- this is not meant to be critical...just curious....

What kind of reaction do you get to the use of beautiful models/divers in your advertising? My first reaction is "wow", followed closely by "this doesn't look like serious gear since they are using sex appeal to sell it". I admit this is an uninformed, kneejerk reaction....but nonetheless, it may be that Pete reacted the same way.

This is also before I learned that this is your daughter and that she is a very serious diver with more dives that I'll probaby ever accumulate.


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