OK- so I swore to myself I was done with this as I have too much going on. But, warm water diver gives me too much material to leave alone.
1. Keep using ubiquitous and it may become part of your working vocabulary
2. I never said dive floats, I said floats/ markers. Markers (sausages) can be deployed while under water in order to let someone know you are surfacing
3. Since you besmearched (new word for you) my buying power, let me say that I spent more per day last year in Bonaire than your entire family did- and I was the poor guy on the trip. Get rid of the idea that kiters are college kids. Some are, but some are engineers, lawyers, doctors, pilots... As much as you think you spend on dive gear- try pricing kiting equipment... 2 kites, 1 board, harness, bar, wetsuit are easily $3000+ Not attainable on a ramen budget.
4. economies change- look into it.
5. I dove with a private operation and DM. But wait, I am just a poor kiteboarder- how can this be? Please see post 3.
6. In a quick search, I found many divers posting negatives about crime and losing their sunblock... On kite forums, and in magazines, I have never seen that level of negativity. Additionally, we never had a single problem. So, if divers are the source of their economy, and divers continuously malign (new word #3) local authorities with this conspiracy b.s., how safe of a bet is it for Bonaireans to rely on these same people for their economic well-being?
7.Their is a difference between laws and rules. Please see the difference between "robbery" and "running with scissors."
8. "Most Kiteboarders are young males who can't afford to dive alot." Tvictory- that just sounds stupid. I am 29, probably the 2nd youngest kiter in my area... And I can dive all that I want. By the way, how are you so experienced in the kiteboarder demographic? Additionally, please tell me you didnt just volunteer to pay more in "taxes." I guess I know how you vote too.
9. This is all the time I can gie you for fodder to toss around for a few days. By the way, for what it is worth, I love diving, divers... I just think you are exaggerating the risk.