This is Paul Harvey .......and here is the rest of the story...
The next couple days of diving was great unfortunately due to my error the Princess did not get to dive on Saturday.
We went to the "Christ of the Abyss" on the morning dive. Water visability was great, little surge and the water temp I would guestimate 80 deg F. There were no other dive ops around nor the pesky snorkel tours. We get our usuall briefing, then the final 1 hour or 500psi whichever comes first routine.
We enter the water just South at about 300m from the statue. The place was teaming with wildlife, spiney's were out everywhere waving at us as we passed. Did not see any Cudda hanging around today, alot of Angels where around. We get to the statue, Frank and I were ligning up to take some really nice pics of the statue with the sun hitting it at the best angle (was a really cool site to see). Then all of a sudden you can hear them the preverbial chug, chuga of an idling engine coming close. Then splash, snorkel people out of nowhere :11: , we signal to each to get our pics. Then as we are about to take our pics out of nowhere come other divers and just jump right in front of us

just as we were about to snap the shot. All one can do is just stand back and shake ones head and look in disgust.
Then the snorkel people where all over the place geesh!
We start heading back to the boat, I think I might have gotten a good pic time will tell upon the developing. Then we saw her, a nurse shark about 6' came cruising in on an intercepting course as ours. So we stop and watch her dissapear on the next reef in front of us. We slow our speed to frog style so not to scare her/him away, and cautiously peer over the ridge. There she is trying to get a conch that was in a crevice on the reef. We get in nice, close and, nuetral to get our shots. We both are about 2 feet from her/him and I swear it blinked at me.
We head out to the North North Dry rocks, pretty interesting site. Not alot of wildlife was around to get photo's of. We come back and leave our camera's onboard with the captain and head back out to goof off and practice our navigation skills. Got stung on my left knee by a juvenile jelly, nothing really serious just tingled a bit.