@Meivi the variables for what tanks were used, what mixes were in there, what our individual consumption rates are, and how much we paid for gas are unfortunately too vast to try to list. The pdf and excel chart that I posted provide much more reasonable data that is more useful to gas planning.
for example, the list that we will have here is all with imperial tanks and units. $/cubic ft, cubic ft/minute consumption, $/lb
With the excel file, you can easily go in and change the price/cf or $/lb over to Krona/liter or Krona/kg and then change the consumption rate from CFM to LPM and allow you to calculate costs on your own.
Part of why it is important to do the math on your own vs. having us tell you what our costs are is the variables are VERY wide. For example, the chart I posted was using gas costs from Amigos Dive Center IIRC. If You go to Pompano Dive Center on the coast of Florida, Helium goes from $0.85/cf up to $1.15/cf and the cost/cf of 15/55 goes from $.52/cf up to $.9/cf. That makes the trimix dive almost 2x as expensive from Pompano as it is from Amigos and they are only a 5 hour drive away in the same state.
To calculate for specific dives though, you are best off using your planning software that should spit back and estimated number of cubic ft or liters consumed of each gas type and then calculate that against the cost of gas to give a better estimate of the costs for your specific dive.