Pressed Steel E7-100 Tank ANYwhere????

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You have managed to sell a tank at your asking price, guess it is worth it to some. I read your other post and your decision too keep it is probably the best one considering your asking price. My LDS's down here in Miami are now flooded with PST E8 and E7 series tanks. It is a nice problem to have in the unlikely event I want one I can snag one.
It really didn't have anything to do with the fact that the tank had not sold yet. It would have sold eventually. I'm sure there will be another run on these tanks in the future. From what I understand (from my LDS) PST makes these tanks in batches, and after this batch runs out there will be another shortage. My decision to keep this tank was based on a review of my diving history, my use of NITROX, and NITROX availablity.

I only used 2 tanks of NITROX last year and could not justify dedicating an expensive steel stell tank for occasional use. The reason I don't dive NITROX more often is the closest place I can get EAN fills is over an hour away, that fill station insists that they do an O2 cleaning on my tank and valve when the do the visual (even though they only filled it 2 times last year). They also now require tanks be left overnight for filling. This would require at least 4 hours driving time every time I needed a fill. It was for THESE reasons that I peeled the NITROX sticker from the tank, made it a standard air tank, and withdrew the sale offer. Not because I didn't get a buyer yet.

If I can find a closer NITROX fill station I may still buy an E7 120, but for now I will rent a tank of NITROX when I need it.

BTW- I had priced my PST tanks for what I wanted to sell them for. I got a little tired of defending, and justifiing, my asking price to people who weren' t even interested in buying them. It seems all they cared about was either spoiling a chance for a sale, or bragging about how cheap they can get them where they live. Even the buyer of my first tank seemed to feel the need to defend his purchase to the board members. Some of us don't have the same cheap local source for these products and have to pay the going rate. Next time I have gear to sell I am going to skip the SB classifieds and stick with eBay. I will gladly pay for the priviledge to not deal with the "spoilers".
I am sorry that you view some of us here at the board as "Spoilers." What you call spoiling is what I call the beauty of the board. Here you have the luxury to hear almost every side of any diving issue, whether that issue be sales, theory, gear configuration, etc.... The deals that are offered and that normally sell here are awesome deals from people seeking a fare price for their items. As I do recall that your item didn't sell on E bay when you listed it and I doubt that all the people who shop on ebay know of the Scuba Board. As far as I'm concerned all the spoilers here will continue to promote the exchange of information for the betterment of the dive industry as a whole. A better educated diver who dives frequently will continue to enjoy the sport more and will inevitably be safer.
As for the lack of a NITROX fill station nearby my advice to you is make your own. Put up a shed outside and invest in all the parts necessary to create your own fill station. It is a fun project if you have decent mechanical aptitude you should be able to do it with not much trouble at all. Check out and buy the Oxyhackers Companion and have fun. Thats just what I would do if I couldn't find a local NITROX fill station to fill my tanks. Besides, you might make some money from your buddies who want fills.
I am sorry that you view some of us here at the board as "Spoilers." What you call spoiling is what I call the beauty of the board. Here you have the luxury to hear almost every side of any diving issue, whether that issue be sales, theory, gear configuration, etc.... The deals that are offered and that normally sell here are awesome deals from people seeking a fare price for their items. As I do recall that your item didn't sell on E bay when you listed it and I doubt that all the people who shop on ebay know of the Scuba Board. As far as I'm concerned all the spoilers here will continue to promote the exchange of information for the betterment of the dive industry as a whole. A better educated diver who dives frequently will continue to enjoy the sport more and will inevitably be safer.
As for the lack of a NITROX fill station nearby my advice to you is make your own. Put up a shed outside and invest in all the parts necessary to create your own fill station. It is a fun project if you have decent mechanical aptitude you should be able to do it with not much trouble at all. Check out and buy the Oxyhackers Companion and have fun. Thats just what I would do if I couldn't find a local NITROX fill station to fill my tanks. Besides, you might make some money from your buddies who want fills.

Whatever... I have more important things to do than debate this issue. Local laws and zoning regulations do not allow me to establish my own NITROX fill station. I have no desire to do my own blending, NITROX is just not that big of a deal to me.

I list many items on eBay and many don't sell the first time around, but do sell when I relist them. It's all a matter of timing, the right item, at the right time, few if any of the same items listed, and yes the right price (that will be determined by the buyer). The fact that I did sell one of those tanks for the same price proves you were wrong!

The only reason I even listed my tanks here was because of members trying to find PST tanks, only to come up empty due to the ongoing shortage of them. I thought I would give board members the first shot at my tank. I had no idea what I was opening myself up to. As I always say "No good deed goes unpunished".

It started off as a simple mention in the Tanks forum. Someone then told me about the "Classified" section so I checked it out. I made the mistake of thinking that a section named "Classifieds" was a place to advertise products for sale, not just another discussion board where you can get flammed because someone doesn't like your listing (and they say women are catty). Had I been paying for that classifed ad I would have demanded my money back. As I said before, next time I'll pay to advertise an item elsewhere.

The SB classifieds have proved the old saying that "something obtained for free is of little value". Justify the spoilers anyway you want, but if that is how the classified section is to be run then it should be renamed. If it is to be a true "Classifieds" area then all responses should be by PM or email. The ad threads should be closed to additional posters. There are other forums on this board where spoilers can whine about a listing and "continue to promote the exchange of information for the betterment of the dive industry as a whole" (talk about "spin"). I don't need to have their whines attached to my advertisement. I think the administrator of that board has lost control. I am finished with this discussion, and possibly even this board.
Whatever... I have more important things to do than debate this issue. Local laws and zoning regulations do not allow me to establish my own NITROX fill station. I have no desire to do my own blending, NITROX is just not that big of a deal to me.

I list many items on eBay and many don't sell the first time around, but do sell when I relist them. It's all a matter of timing, the right item, at the right time, few if any of the same items listed, and yes the right price (that will be determined by the buyer). The fact that I did sell one of those tanks for the same price proves you were wrong!

The only reason I even listed my tanks here was because of members trying to find PST tanks, only to come up empty due to the ongoing shortage of them. I thought I would give board members the first shot at my tank. I had no idea what I was opening myself up to. As I always say "No good deed goes unpunished".

It started off as a simple mention in the Tanks forum. Someone then told me about the "Classified" section so I checked it out. I made the mistake of thinking that a section named "Classifieds" was a place to advertise products for sale, not just another discussion board where you can get flammed because someone doesn't like your listing (and they say women are catty). Had I been paying for that classifed ad I would have demanded my money back. As I said before, next time I'll pay to advertise an item elsewhere.

The SB classifieds have proved the old saying that "something obtained for free is of little value". Justify the spoilers anyway you want, but if that is how the classified section is to be run then it should be renamed. If it is to be a true "Classifieds" area then all responses should be by PM or email. The ad threads should be closed to additional posters. There are other forums on this board where spoilers can whine about a listing and "continue to promote the exchange of information for the betterment of the dive industry as a whole" (talk about "spin"). I don't need to have their whines attached to my advertisement. I think the administrator of that board has lost control. I am finished with this discussion, and possibly even this board.

Bill O'Reilly would be proud. The only spin here is you blaming spoilers for your tank not selling. Hmmm.....geee maybe I would look at something called price and that could possibly explain why my tank didn't sell.

You didn't list your tank until you knew that the shortage was over and you could get another new tank with the money you were going to make off of the one you were selling. Apparently people do have some common sense and they didn't go for your generous offer or "good deed" as so eloquently put it. With friends like that, who need enemies.

Catty is complaining about something that you didn't even pay for. It is obvious to me that women are not the only ones who are "Catty."

The fact that you sold one of the tanks just proves that there are some seriously uninformed people out there, not that I'm wrong. As for your auction maybe you should leave it up to the buyers choose the price and let the tank go through a true auction process without your reserve price set at your asking price.

I actually like the fact that the sales are open to public scrutiny because it helps to protect the consumer and keeps the sellers honest. I wish that all the classifieds were this open.

Just to keep this on the O'Reilly theme, "That is me looking out for the consumer."
Bill O'Reilly would be proud. The only spin here is you blaming spoilers for your tank not selling. Hmmm.....geee maybe I would look at something called price and that could possibly explain why my tank didn't sell.

You didn't list your tank until you knew that the shortage was over and you could get another new tank with the money you were going to make off of the one you were selling. Apparently people do have some common sense and they didn't go for your generous offer or "good deed" as so eloquently put it. With friends like that, who need enemies.

Catty is complaining about something that you didn't even pay for. It is obvious to me that women are not the only ones who are "Catty."

The fact that you sold one of the tanks just proves that there are some seriously uninformed people out there, not that I'm wrong. As for your auction maybe you should leave it up to the buyers choose the price and let the tank go through a true auction process without your reserve price set at your asking price.

I actually like the fact that the sales are open to public scrutiny because it helps to protect the consumer and keeps the sellers honest. I wish that all the classifieds were this open.

Just to keep this on the O'Reilly theme, "That is me looking out for the consumer."

Really, I didn't know PST was starting to ship again until well after my listing was posted. I would have just listed it on eBay had I not read this thread about the shortages. I don't live to dive, it is a hobby and part of my law enforcement duties. I respect your certifications, and diving experience, but your interference in my business affairs was out of line.

How I list my auctions is my business and not yours. If you don't like the price... don't buy it! FYI- I had not planned on selling two of these tanks, but when the first one sold quickly I thought I'd put another one up. I made enough on the first tank to buy my son 2 aluminum 80s which was my goal. At that point listing a second tank was a win-win... if I sold the second E7 100 I would get an E7 120 for NITROX, if it did not sell I would still have an E7 100 for air. As it turns out I am glad it didn't sell because I have decided to scrap the E7 120 idea for reasons I have explained before.

What you still don't seem to understand is that I am not upset that the tank didn't sell, I was upset by the ad flamming. In fact it wasn't even your posts that set me off. The old Carly Simon song comes to mind (You're so vain, you probably think this "post" is about you...). At least it wasn't before, but it is now. No, the post that finished it for me was the one that told people "the PST tanks are coming and not to waste your money on old over priced tanks". There he was in the Classifeds section, he was not selling, trading or buying anything in his post. If all ads were exposed to the scrutiny you suggest no one would bother to advertise. In know this for a fact because I work in broadcasting. If I came on the air after a commercial and gave a negative opinion of the client's product, the advertiser would cancel, the station would lose revenue, and I would be out of a job. Wake up to what you are shoveling.

Well you can rest assured you won't have to save the "uninformed" diving community from my offerings again. Gee, I wonder how fellow divers feel about your assement of their intelligence. You may now move on to save the rest of the free world. You can start with the listing for double 95 Fabers in the classifieds.

The seller wants $500 USD plus shipping from Canada (add $89 - $??? USD depending on where you live) for used tanks that he bought used. Yet on eBay a dealer from central Florida has listed 27 new Faber LP95s for $210.00 each with shipping (PST sure knocked the snot out of their value). OK, do the math... if you buy the Fabers, sell off the original new Thermo Pro valves and replace them with modulars, a manifiold, and bands (hey, free shipping through Dive Rite Express) for about $650.00 you could have a BRAND NEW set ready to dive. Time to don your red cape (the one with the "S") and fly over there to save all of the poor "seriously uninformed people out there" who are replying to his ad. Personally I hope you MYOB and leave his auction alone. You may find this hard to believe (elitists usually do) but we are not as stupid as you think.

BTW- As I said earlier, I work in the radio and television industry and... Bill O'Reilly you're not. I have a radio show to prep for and don't have any more time to waste on you!

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