Prayer is useless?

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Andy, if you are this tenatious in court I'm prayin for the other guy.

hehehe.... thank you!

all i can say is, i have a darn good record :wink:

but as to this discussion, my goal is not to convince anyone, but
to put across thoughts and sources that maybe don't get much
airplay these days
Enough of the pedantries and glib retorts –boring! This is all essentially gravitating toward opposing ideas involving Occam’s Razor and Pascal’s Wager anyway . . .okay?

The “Prayers” I find useful right before jumping in on a deep dive are:
The Tech Diver’s Mantra –“Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey”
The Tech Diver’s Plea – “O Lord please don’t let me f__ -up”
Captain Kirk from the Voyage Home --“May fortune favor the foolish”
(And I hum the Navy Hymn on my descent . . .):D
Enough of the pedantries and glib retorts –boring! This is all essentially gravitating toward opposing ideas involving Occam’s Razor and Pascal’s Wager anyway . . .okay?

The “Prayers” I find useful right before jumping in on a deep dive are:
The Tech Diver’s Mantra –“Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey”
The Tech Diver’s Plea – “O Lord please don’t let me f__ -up”
Captain Kirk from the Voyage Home --“May fortune favor the foolish”
(And I hum the Navy Hymn on my descent . . .):D

Ah! An explorer!eyebrow

I too cant help but dare!:D
Growing up there were many fictious characters thrown at us, you got Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, The Grim Reaper, Angels and ofcourse god.

They all have books about them, days devoted to them, and we were suppose to believe in them...but eventually we found out that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were not real. Now I have no proof they don't exist..I really don't, but its widely accepted that if your an adult and still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny you have some serious reality issues to deal with.

They provided us with a sense of hope that good was out there even though we really didn't understand the world we live in at that young age it was nice to think of these magical creatures that would reward us if we behaved all year. Somewhere along the way be it at age 5 or 10 we find out they weren't real. Some of us kind of figured that out already, but some of us took it real hard...but either way it was accepted and we moved on.

I'm not sure at what age I figured out that god was among these fictional characters. I thank my parents for not subjecting me to a religious upbringing that may have injected non-realistic thinking into my brain. It's funny how they were both raised in religious households and they agreed not to subject my brother or myself to it.

God, like Santa Claus is a human made concept. A concept which can not be proven or disproven as many things in our world. It is really frustrating, yet sometimes, amusing that as advanced as our world becomes in technology and science among other areas there are millions of people that actually think its the work of a fictitous character.

At this time I would like to give it up to have provided me with a new look on all of this.
From the scriptures of Saints Matt and Trey;

[Hell's Pass Hospital, day. A nurse works on Kyle's hemorrhoid with pincers]
Kyle: Ah! [the nurse moves the pincers one way] Aaah! [then another]
Nurse: Just a little more [one twist more] There we go. [withdraws the pincers. Gerald and Sheila enter Kyle's room with the Bible]
Gerald: Hello, Kyle. How's the hemorrhoid today?
Kyle: [the nurse leaves] Awesome. [Gerald and Sheila take their seats near Kyle]
Sheila: Kyle, we wanna tell you about the book of Job. It's a story from the Bible.
Kyle: I've had enough of the Bible. What has it gotten me?
Gerald: Oh, I think you'll see differently after hearing this. Sit down, Kyle. [Kyle gets cross, and Gerald corrects himself] Uh, okay. [begins the story. A Middle Eastern scene appears] You see, Job lived in the east of Jordan a long long time ago. [camera pans across the landscape and rests behind a man in a red robe and long gray hair] Job was a great man. He was blessed with ten lovely children [they come out of a building with their mother], a wonderful wife, and many friends. [his friends show up to join the family behnd Job, a proud and happy man]
Sheila: [a shot of Job petting a bull] He was godly, and a good man, and fed the poor. [Job brings a bag of food to a woman with three kids next to her. One of them, a girl, walks up, and her mother hands her a loaf of bread]
Gerald: He was the most upright and honorable of men, and every day he praised God. [Job falls to his knees in praise, as his shepherds look on]
Sheila: But one day, Satan went up to heaven and talked to God.
Kyle: [still mad] Satan talked to God?
Sheila: Yes, in the book of Job, Satan talks to God. And God says to Satan, "Have you seen Job? He is a great man, and he praises me every day."
Gerald: But Satan said, "Oh yeah? He only praises you because you gave him so much. If you didn't give him those things, he would curse your name."
Sheila: To which God said, "Oh yeah? I'll show you, Satan! I'll take those things away from Job and he will still praise my name."
Gerald: And so, God had a bunch of barbarians come in and slaughter Job's oxen and donkeys, and murder all his workers. [that scene is shown]
Sheila: Then God sent his fireballs from the sky and killed his sheep and the rest of his employees. [meteorites rain down and destroy the fields and workers there, as well as the sheep]
Gerald: And then, as Job's sons and daughters were eating, God sent a mighty wind to collapse the house and crush and kill them all. [the palm trees bend low as the winds pick up, then the two-story house collapses as the palm trees are swept away by the winds, and Job's family dies]
Sheila: Job was terribly sad, but he fell to his knees and said, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away," and praised God's name. [Job falls to his knees and prays to God.]
Gerald: So then, Job got painful sores all over his body. [shown, with the burning fields behind him]
Sheila: He was in terrible, miserable pain all day, every day. But he still kept his faith. [another shot of Job among the dead, then a close-up of Job with his sores]
Gerald: God said to Satan, "See? I told you. Job still praises me." [all that is heard after that is the sound of the heart monitor attached to Kyle.]
Kyle: [a few seconds later] And that's it? That's the end?
Sheila: Basically.
Kyle: That's the most horrible story I've ever heard. Why would God do such a horrible thing to a good person just to prove a point to Satan?
Gerald: Oh. Uhhh, I don't know.
Kyle: Then I was right. Job has all his children killed, and Michael Bay gets to keep making movies. There isn't a God.
Enough of the pedantries and glib retorts –boring!

dang skippy! bring it on!!

The “Prayers” I find useful right before jumping in on a deep dive are:
The Tech Diver’s Mantra –“Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey”
The Tech Diver’s Plea – “O Lord please don’t let me f__ -up”
Captain Kirk from the Voyage Home --“May fortune favor the foolish”
(And I hum the Navy Hymn on my descent . . .):D

so... ah... ok... who wants to watch paint dry now?


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