Hey, who you callin opinionated?chickdiver once bubbled...
I wasn't "chumming"- you guys should know me well enough by now to know that I am (like most of us here) opinionated, and that I generally don't pull any punches regarding how I feel about things (equipment, procedures, etc.). I don't intend to be offensive, it's just my nature. I don't *Personally* think that Posiedon's are the best regs out there, and I stated that in my own charming way. I don't mind the feedback, but as a professional in the diving industry, I have been dealing with the "little girl you shouldn't be doing this" comments and attitude for over 10 years now, I find it patently offensive and uncalled for. I know a lot of great divers, both male and female, and I know a lot of idiots of both genders as well.

Seriously, i agree, you shouldn't have to put up with such comments. IMO, comments like that are rarely appropiate. I certainly don't envy your gender in the profession you have chosen. Like i said, divers tend to be a pretty pompous group in general. And idiocy never discriminates by gender.
It could be worse. Try making it as a woman in the construction industry. It ain't pretty what they have to put up with.