With that little plastic bushing...
It's easiest to take the reg apart to do this. It has got to be adjusted just right. The easiest way to do this is just rotate the bushing 90 degrees and test. If you get it wrong one way, you'll have your tonsils knocked out of your throat because the air flow is directed righ into your mouth. If you have it directed the wrong way the other way you'll barely be able to breath out of it.
By rotating the bushing 90 degrees and then testing, it should only take you a couple of tries to get the airflow pointed in the right direction.
The reason you never see it discussed is because apparently not a lot of people know about that little bushing. I was was speaking w/ my instructor/lds owner last night and I guess he has seen a lot of those regs come in w/ the owners complaining of bad breathing...turns out it's a quick bushing adjustment and it's all done.
And yeah - catching those things is like a hornet in a hurricane
Once you tear one down and see how the air is let into the chamber you really see why. Talk about airflow!!!
It's easiest to take the reg apart to do this. It has got to be adjusted just right. The easiest way to do this is just rotate the bushing 90 degrees and test. If you get it wrong one way, you'll have your tonsils knocked out of your throat because the air flow is directed righ into your mouth. If you have it directed the wrong way the other way you'll barely be able to breath out of it.
By rotating the bushing 90 degrees and then testing, it should only take you a couple of tries to get the airflow pointed in the right direction.
The reason you never see it discussed is because apparently not a lot of people know about that little bushing. I was was speaking w/ my instructor/lds owner last night and I guess he has seen a lot of those regs come in w/ the owners complaining of bad breathing...turns out it's a quick bushing adjustment and it's all done.
And yeah - catching those things is like a hornet in a hurricane