Portable home compressor

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The airgun market and the scuba market are totally different markets. The articles that you read were hit jobs fabricated by my filter competitor . Let me start off with his filter costs $400, mine costs $180.. Same length and roughly filter capacity (i have more). He purchases his filters from Nuvair for about $175 (a fact that he denies), I manufacture my own. He has to add all these extra parts to justify his high cost. As you know, scuba air needs to be as pure as possible, airgun air does not. Airgun air only needs to have the moisture level as low as possible. First false claim that he makes is " the desiccant sieve 13x will erode the aluminum wall"....that is totally false. I have spoken to numerous engineers and scientists about this and they laugh when I brought this up. I have their emails explaining why this is false. Yet this lie continues on. People on the airgun forums have called this person out over this , yet he continues to make his false claims. A PMV is 100% necessary for filtering scuba quality air, for airgun air it is not. Scuba air pressure lets say starts at 400 psi - 3,000 psi.... airgun air starts at 3,000 psi and go to 5,000 psi. A good working PMV should start at 1,800 psi . We don't need a PMV for airgun. He has to get his price up (add more parts that are unnecessary). Its nice to have a gauge at the filter (unnecessary), check valves and on/off valve (nice to have but unnecessary). I would like to drive a Ferrari but I have a Chevy truck. Next claim, that the desiccant is loose packed. I use (2) 1/4 felt pads, one at the top and one at the bottom. When i screw the cap on , you can hear the desiccant compressing (crunching) down, it is tight. For the scuba filters, I use (3) 1/4 felt pads , SS washers, SS spring and a SS steel liner (in case the owner wants to use Hopacalite). Next false claim is that i don't have a moisture separator?.....all my compressors have built in air/water separators, some are fully adjustable and automatic. Next issue, my hoses and QD fittings. I have used the same hoses for years now, well over 8,000 hoses and 2,000 QD fittings for my compressors. For the Diablo filter i use the same hose, but I had to use a different QD fitting at that time. It had a larger diameter and was brass ( i have taken brass fittings well past 12,000 psi). I used about 200 of those fittings, I manufacture my own full SS QD fitting now and its the smallest diameter in the market. One of my hoses a customer had burst on him, he wrote on the forum how he could of been killed and all this BS. How the hose burst and came apart.....totally false... he sent me the hose for inspection. The plastic that covers the actual hose part , got some air underneath and popped. The hose never came apart, yet he went on the forum spouting off. Now thousands of people think that it did. My filter competitor jumped all over this caring the lie even further.... all mechanical things will have defects every now and then. I do personally inspect all my compressors and filters ( and yes, to 6,000 psi for the filters and 5,000 psi for the compressors ). So wrapping this up, don't believe what you read on the forums as actual truth, email me with questions that you might be concerned over and find out what the other side of the story is. Some people might have agendas that you may not know about. If you tell a lie enough times it eventually becomes truth. Thanks for letting me tell my side of the story.
YADA YADA YADA . all mechanical things will have defects every now and then. I do personally inspect all my compressors and filters ( and yes, to 6,000 psi for the filters and 5,000 psi for the compressors ). .

I thought we were talking compressor not filters, no matter, its worse.

Looks it is only a matter of time, a year, two at most before the manifold errors in your filter design become apparent to your customers in the air gun market, sooner if you intend to sell it for scuba.

You need a better design engineer.
And some credence of responsibility as to the potential risk you expect your customers to be subjected to.

Look I don’t want to engage a fight over this nor do I wish to re design it for you for free over the internet but the design faults, machining faults, material choice, poor anodising choice and sealing profile will eventually bite you and your customers.

You heard it here first but this diablo filter nonsense is a poor design, poor machine deal and coupled with a short life expectancy, I guess like the compressor slow and cheap is its only redeeming quality.

With short life and poor design it’s comes with consequence.

What you have NOT done is a hydro test until burst and more important is a 100,000 pressure cycles zero to working pressure cyclic test. To prove your design.

But you don't have any engineering design calculations for this contraption, now do you?

You do not have any material certs for this contraption. do you?

Tensile strength, elongation, deflection, plug form all stuff you didn’t think you needed or know anything about.

You don’t have any test documentation for the product either, now do you?

Frankly I suspect you don’t even have the required mechanical thread go-no go ring and plug gauges for this tube of metal with plugs at the end, cos that is all it is.

Expecting it to work under pressure is frankly laughable.

Your looking down the barrel of a law suit dude and a recall of every last one of those silly so called filter tubes at best. Regardless of how cheap your selling them for Iain.
All integrated like that is a slick product and it has a small footprint. As some have said the price is reasonable for what you get but for about 50% more you can get much more capacity. Shopping for used you can get a lot of compressor for the same money.

Still for the diving I do the capacity is more than ample. Most dives are about a 50CF hit. usually a single, rarely a pair of cylinders. I have enough that even if I got behind one could be filling while I dive others.

The big thing I'm wondering about is the compressor source. We know about Bauer, Rix, Coltri etc. in terms of knowledge base, history and parts. What is in this system and how stable, established and proven is the source?
The big thing I'm wondering about is the compressor source. We know about Bauer, Rix, Coltri etc. in terms of knowledge base, history and parts. What is in this system and how stable, established and proven is the source?
It kind of looks like the Zhejiang Shengyuan Compressor from China but it is hard to tell for sure with all the other stuff added on.
The company in China I am not disclosing as I don’t feel the need to jeopardise the OP supply chain to the air gun market I don’t have a problem with, only if and when it or similar junk are pushed across into the diving breathing air market.

But to answer your questions:

The Chinese company (is not the one Ray listed) was established in 2011 to build this and another compressor and hand pumps. Specific for the air gun market filling small 0.4 and 0.6 litre air gun cylinders. They make two versions on the same patented 3 stage single piston pump.

An open tube frame and a closed frame "computor case style.

The problem of internal corrosion of the air gun is I guess the reason for the filter and probably causing more expensive damage to the guns.

The reason for flogging it to the diving market is that the air gun market is already saturated with cheap junk from China and the stuff needs to be got rid of to an unsuspecting retail buyer.

Like most new start companies in China they will be gone soon only to be replaced by another company selling the self same stuff and the US importer faced with the recall, repair replacement of same junk with no recall back to China. If indeed the product is still sellable or the short life and failure rate results in a stack of them on the second hand market.

Photo below shows what will be the latest 2017 version of the pump from China to hit the gullible and ignorant North American air gun market now showing in China

Good luck to the OP in the already saturated air gun compressor market, but divers are not the market for this type of junk product. All the best Iain

Put another way how would it go if I went onto the American Air gun forums with something like:

"Hi everyone, I'm trying to get the word out on our new home scuba/ air gun compressors and bring it to your market.

I have been selling compressors to the military industry for over 25 yrs now.
We have sold thousands.

These are junk and slow 110 or 220 volt 5 amps, oil-less design, fills 0-4500 psi in about 3-4 hrs, auto-stop, auto-bleed, 70 decibels, 60#. I'm just trying to start a discussion about them, let me know what you think?. . $850 plus shipping

I will even throw in the tootsy little flags.

On second thoughs maybe not, Knowing the gullable air gunners over here I'd proberbly
be inundated with 1000's of orders

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

While it is important and valuable to respond to the thread with factual information about the quality of the product, please maintain a polite tone while doing so. Please avoid snarky personal attacks especially.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

While it is important and valuable to respond to the thread with factual information about the quality of the product, please maintain a polite tone while doing so. Please avoid snarky personal attacks especially.

Dear Sir.

It is with the greatest respect incorporating the very epitome of political correctness and politeness that one has to concluded that factual information about the quality of said China product above is about as far remote as follow up American Moon Landing.

And as such a sad reflection as to the current level of competence skill and engineering acumen that America has subjected itself down to in accepting such imported junk as product.

It is imported junk such as this that degrades the flag, the nation and this once great country the products of which I was once proud to represent world wide.

Factual, honest and polite enough for you I trust. Iain
Dear Sir.

It is with the greatest respect incorporating the very epitome of political correctness and politeness that one has to concluded that factual information about the quality of said China product above is about as far remote as follow up American Moon Landing.

And as such a sad reflection as to the current level of competence skill and engineering acumen that America has subjected itself down to in accepting such imported junk as product.

It is imported junk such as this that degrades the flag, the nation and this once great country the products of which I was once proud to represent world wide.

Factual, honest and polite enough for you I trust. Iain

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Scrambled syntax, misused diction, and grammatical errors that combine to make something nearly unrecognizable as the English language do not make the content factual, and they do not make it polite.

It reminds me of the summer I spent playing doubles volleyball tournaments with a partner from Germany. We would have been automatically penalized for cursing during play, but he did it regularly in German and got away with it because none of the referees spoke the language. Several remarked on it--"I think he's cursing, but I can't be sure."

I was an English teacher long enough to decipher your obfuscation, and so I know that it is neither polite nor factual. It does not really cross the line into personal attack, though, so I will let it stand on that basis. I will, however, keep in mind the snarky tone for future reference.
Scrambled syntax, misused diction, and grammatical errors that combine to make something nearly unrecognizable as the English language do not make the content factual, and they do not make it polite.[/modpost]

Am I at school, is this an exam. No! Take the plank out.

It reminds me of the summer I spent playing doubles volleyball tournaments with a partner from Germany. We would have been automatically penalized for cursing during play, but he did it regularly in German and got away with it because none of the referees spoke the language. Several remarked on it--"I think he's cursing, but I can't be sure."

Is this “doubles volleyball’ relevant to a compressor forum? Any more than paintball is? No! Take the plank out.

I was an English teacher long enough to decipher your obfuscation,

It shows.

and so I know that it is neither polite nor factual. It does not really cross the line into personal attack, though, so I will let it stand on that basis.

However if you are suggesting that any point my post was in any way “not factual” please outline and I would be more than happy to expound.

I will, however, keep in mind the snarky tone for future reference.

As you are an English teacher can I ask you a question, is the term “Snarky tone” an English term or an anagram?

Sore Yank, me thinks. LOL
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