Port Captain

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El Graduado

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In another post about nortes, Dave wrote:
"Somehow the Mexican Navy decided to step in and enforce the port closure that occurred this morning even though conditions are OK, Blocking the Fonatur harbor, not letting anyone out and taking inventory of all boats in the harbor. That means we cannot get out and preposition on the east side which should be perfect tomorrow. We don't have any problem with the Harbor Master but he can't control the Navy."

On June 1, 2017 all the personnel and operations of the Unidad de Capitanías de Puerto y Asuntos Marítimos (UNICAPAM) were moved from being a part of the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) to being a part of the Secretaría de Marina-Armada de México (SEMAR, the Mexican Navy). The Port Captain does not have to ASK FOR HELP from the Navy to guard the ports when the Port Captain closes the port; the Port Captain is an INTEGRATED PART OF the Navy.
I guess that would explain why the dive boats docked at the pier for their SI were swarmed by machine gun carrying military personnel in riot gear while the harbor official told all boat captains the port had been closed at 10am and ordered all to return the marina. Craziness. Pretty sure some boats full of sun burned gringo divers don’t present a threat to Mexico’s national security. Furthermore, what is up with the sunglasses? Are they all trying to look like the Terminator? What is up with holding an M16 with both hands in a semi ready position (finger outside the trigger guard glad to see) when approaching a group of dive tourists on their boats who are just eating cake and bananas? There is no mistaking a banana for a gun.

On several visits here the Mexican Navy had docked a ship in town and it was always cool to see. The Navy personnel were on the town in their shore military dress. My dad (former US military) started talking to one of them and was told by the soldier Mexican Navy had 3 or 4 ships like that. My dad asked, “yeah but where are the big ships?”. The Mexican Navy soldier laughed and said, “Big ships? We don’t need any big ships... we have a problem we can’t deal with, we call you!” True story.
A few years ago one of the Navy boats came by our hotel about a a half mile offshore, and I'm pretty sure I saw fishing rods on the stern.
A few years ago one of the Navy boats came by our hotel about a a half mile offshore, and I'm pretty sure I saw fishing rods on the stern.
Well, yes. You see that on US Navy boats as well.
A few years ago one of the Navy boats came by our hotel about a a half mile offshore, and I'm pretty sure I saw fishing rods on the stern.
In the marine park it sounds like, even better.
I believe Mexican federal forces frequently wear sunglasses, bandanas, etc. to protect their identities from cartel repercussions. I would.

Edit: I was in the US Navy for 6 years and never saw a fishing rod. Of course, I was on a submarine :)
A half mile offshore would be outside of the park limits, in most cases. In any event, the park rules do allow for fishing within the park limits, but subject to certain restrictions. The restrictions are a patchwork of areas and types of fishing allowed and disallowed in those areas. For example, fishing from shore within the park for personal consumption is allowed along most of the park’s coastline, but not all. Commercial fishing is allowed in much of the park’s waters, but not sport fishing for consumption. A few areas are only catch and release. Here are the rules:

Regla 49. La pesca dentro del Parque estará sujeta a las normas, vedas, disposiciones y acuerdos que la SEMARNAP dicte temporal o permanentemente de acuerdo con los estudios específicos, así como a la zonificación del Parque.

Regla 50. La actividad pesquera se sujetará a lo siguiente: a) Zona de Uso Restringido, Unidad Ambiental 2. Sólo está permitida la pesca commercial entre El Faro de Celarain y el límite con el polígono de la Zona II Polígono Este, frente a Playa Bosh, Unidad Ambiental 3 Talud Insular; b) Zona de Uso de Baja Intensidad, Unidad Ambiental 4, 5 y 6, Sección Este, Unidad Ambiental 9, Oeste, Talud Insular.

Regla 51. La pesca de consumo doméstico sólo podrá realizarse mediante el uso de líneas de mano y anzuelos desde la orilla de la costa.

Rule 49. Fishing within the Park shall be subject to the rules, seasons, provisions and agreements that the SEMARNAP handed down temporarily or permanently in accordance with specific studies, as well as the zoning of the Park.

Rule 50. Fishing activities shall be subject to the following: a) zone of restricted use, environmental unit 2. Commercial fishing between the Celarain lighthouse and the border with the polygon from the polygon East zone II, is allowed only in front Beach Bosh, environmental unit 3 slope Insular; b) area of use of low intensity, environmental unit 4, 5 and 6, East Section, 9 environmental unit, West Insular Slope.

Rule 51. Fishing for domestic consumption can only be performed using hand lines and hooks from the edge of the coast.

Here are the general areas where fishing is allowed and the restrictions:

Zona Arrecifal, hasta la isobata de los 100m: Incluye El Islote, Punta Celarain, Maracaibo, Chunchakaab, Punta Sur y Colombia (profundo y bajo): Pesca comercial de acuerdo a las vedas, cuotas de captura, artes de pesca y con base en estudios especificos para el area. Solo esta permitida entre El Faro de Celarain y el limite con el poligono de la Zona II (Poligono Este), frente a Playa Bosh.

Coral Reef Zones, until the100 m isobar. Includes El islote, Punta Celarain, Maracaibo, Chunchakaab, Punta Sur, and Colombia (deep and low): Commercial fishing according to the seasons, catch quotas, fishing gear and based on studies specific to the area. Only permitted between the Celarain lighthouse and the limit with the polygon of area II (Park East), opposite Bosh Beach.

Here is a breakdown of the specific areas and the types of fishing is allowed in them:

Talud Insular desde la isobata de los 100m hasta el limite exterior del poligono: Pesca comercial de acuerdo a las vedas, cuotas de captura, artes de pesca y con base en estudios especificos para el area. Pesca deportiva de liberacion.

Insular slope from the 100m isobar to the limit outside of the polygon: Commercial fishing according to the season, catch quotas, fishing gear and based on studies specific to the area. Catch and release sport fishing.

Zona Federal Maritimo Terrestre y area marina adyacente: Pesca comercial de acuerdo a las vedas, cuotas de captura, artes de pesca y con base en estudios especificos para el area. Pesca de consumo dom.stico, exclusivamente con lineas y anzuelos desde la costa.

Zona Federal (Maritime and Terrestrial) and adjacent marine area: Commercial fishing according to the seasons, catch quotas, fishing gear and based on studies specific to the area. Fishing for domestic consumption, exclusively with lines and hooks fishing from the shore.

Zona Arrecifal, hasta la isobata de los 100m. Incluye los arrecifes de la costa este de la isla: Pesca comercial de acuerdo a las vedas, cuotas de captura, artes de pesca y con base en estudios especificos para el area.

Coral Reef zones, until the 100-m isobar, includes reefs on the east coast of the island: Commercial fishing according to the seasons, catch quotas, fishing gear and based on studies specific to the area.

Talud Insular desde la isobata de los 100m hasta el limite exterior del poligono: Pesca deportiva de liberacion. Pesca comercial de acuerdo a las vedas, cuotas de captura, artes de pesca y con base en estudios especificos para el area.

Insular Slope from the 100m isobar to the limit outside of the polygon: Catch and release. Commercial fishing according to the seasons, catch quotas, fishing gear and based on studies specific to the area.

Talud Insular, desde la isobata de los 100m hasta el limite exterior del poligono: Pesca deportiva de liberacion. Pesca comercial de acuerdo a las vedas, cuotas de captura, artes de pesca y con base en estudios especificos para el area.

Insular slope, from the 100m isobar to the limit outside of the polygon: Catch and release. Commercial fishing according to the seasons, catch quotas, fishing gear and based on studies specific to the area.

Yeah, but who is gonna ticket a boat full of tacticool government agents?
In the marine park it sounds like, even better.
It might have been a mile offshore and it was at Blue Angel, which is well outside the park.
Despite the title of this thread there's not much in here about the port captain. I have never dealt with that office directly myself, but in my job I deal with a lot of electrical and building inspectors and other low level bureaucrats. Their only power is to say "no", and some of them seem to think if they say "yes" they are not doing their job and their power is diminished.

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