MikeS once bubbled...
So to answer a derivative of Northeastwreckss question, what good is a 30 cu. ft. pony, my answer is that provides sufficient gas to float a surface marker from 120 feet and make a safe ascent, including safety stop.
To all of you that insist we should all be diving doubles, thank you for your advice. We are appropriately envious. But after careful consideration many of us have determined that doubles, and h-valves, are not a practical solutions. I submit that your efforts would be better spent helping us to understand the limitations of ponies rather than continuing to blast them because at least in my case I can learn from the former and will continue to ignore the later.
I agree that a 30 is not inappropriate. I use the 46 because it's primary purpose is for deco. That fact that it a form of redundant backup is a bonus.
I'm not suggesting that everyone dive doubles. I'm still waiting to get mine, primarily because of the expense.
Pony's have their place, so long as you plan appropriately. You have done the calculations and tested them. You know the limits and that is important.
My point is that a small pony does not provide the proper backup.