Another point to think about if you plan the dive in the Ressel is from 350m back to the entrance: choose a right bailout that SCR, semiclosed is also an option. With a 10% oxygen it is no option. The oxygen is also no option. An ean50 would be an ok gas from the second T back to exit. Breathable oc and usable in SCR. He had at least such a gas with him. But from what I have seen is SCR in caves not trained a lot in Europe. It is a usable method when electronics failed and the scrubber still works and loop not flooded.
i'm a french diver, i dive with a mCCR, Triton from M3S.
From my first lesson wih Air diluant to my last training with hypoxiq diluant, we were trained to used our rebreather in SCR mode.
And all my friends with eccr (JJ, APD, Revo) are used to