I have DUI pockets but I haven't found that the D-rings get in the way. Does cutting them out fall under the general "don't need it, don't bring it" rule? Or is there something bigger that I'm missing?
Maybe it's something I'd hope would be obvious that you're missing, it kinda falls into the general common sense life rule of 'if something is in your way (and it will be sooner or later) and you don't need it/aren't using it so get rid of it' approach.
Why is it we feel the nonsensical need to DIR-ize every last simple decision with every point?
BTW, the same rule applies when buying a new shirt a Wal-Mart, probably a good idea to remove the tag, price sticker and hanger before trying to installing it on yourself.....uhhgggg. You may also need a WAL-f course though to figure it out, but I am not sure.
phuck me already.