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narcT once bubbled...
Wow, you guys are brutal. Yes, I took the advanced diver and the Nitrox courses.

I was asking because I thought I would try to tap into your "knowledge" base. My mistake!!! The people I'm diving with have been diving for 30 + years and go to 170 - 200 feet on air all the time. They also run PO2's of 2.0 and have no problems. We also ship whole bottles of helium to Truk for our trips.

Would I advise others to do this...no. But I think your answers to me like "d00d you take a nitrox class..burp" is not appropriate.

You guys keep typing stupid answers to questions on this board. Me, I'm going diving:)

This was not a troll, it was a litmus test. Which 90% of you failed.

Thanks for the laughs tho:D

PS And yes, I'm going to 130 ft on EAN 32, and no I'm not going to jump off a building without my chute:D

Your PO2 2.0 d00ds are lucky, I'd say. Hot dog, anybody?

<sigh> I hate my loser, failure self. <sniff>
nitroxbabe once bubbled...

Your PO2 2.0 d00ds are lucky, I'd say. Hot dog, anybody?

<sigh> I hate my loser, failure self. <sniff>

A po2 of 2 especially for a bottom mix displays a complete lack of understanding of commonly accepted decompression theory as well as a reckless attitude. Such practices were of course SOP in the days before divers had the right gasses and before they knew better. Many died doing it and I am convinced.
narcT once bubbled...
The people I'm diving with have been diving for 30 + years and go to 170 - 200 feet on air all the time. They also run PO2's of 2.0 and have no problems.

First done by Jerry Lee Lewis...it inspired
his hit Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On.

And thats todays music trivia...

PS: After that Truk crap that has to
be a troll:D
ElectricZombie, DIR gods? ROFL:)

Lawman, you want me to ask G who he uses to ship the He to Truk???

Cave Diver once bubbled...
while others have suffered such a hit on a P02 of 1.2 or less.
I do not believe this is true for scuba diving.
Do you have a cite?
Would appreciate it.
he's using a Dr. Warhammer Direct
Rectal Connector for that helium. That
was tried in last years ColonBlow Mark
III. It just didn't sell...people had to wear
at least 47lbs of lead to keep from floating
off the dive boat!

No, this daredevil is just a wierd Truker.:D

"Tolerance for the raised partial pressure of oxygen varies approximately in the same manner as for nitrogen narcosis; there are differences between individuals and variations from day to day. What is considered acceptable has changed with time. In 1939 the US Navy placed the limit for PO2 at 2,0 bar. In the 1970's it was lowered to 1.8 bar as 2.0 was considered too high for working divers. Today the NOAA recommends a maximum of PO2 at 1.6 bar for not more than 45 minutes....'

PO2 of 2.0 bar is to high for "working" divers. Everyone knows "work" ain't something I'm into:bonk:

PS I'm joking here, DON'T DIVE PO2'S ABOVE 1.4!!!
narcT once bubbled...
ElectricZombie, DIR gods? ROFL:)


narcT once bubbled...
I was asking because I thought I would try to tap into your "knowledge" base. My mistake!!! The people I'm diving with have been diving for 30 + years and go to 170 - 200 feet on air all the time. They also run PO2's of 2.0 and have no problems. We also ship whole bottles of helium to Truk for our trips.

If you want to talk down DIR that is your Choice, I have been diving less then an year and have learned more from this group on scubaboard then I learned taking my OW class. Although some of the DIR folks can get a little abrasive at times there Ideas which are shared buy those not DIR are among the safest divers around. And personally would not want to learn from someone that dives with a Po2 of 2.0. What other bad habits are you picking up from these 30+ years of experience divers?
I was not making fun of DIR.

I was joking with an individual...ElectricZombie.

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