beche de mer
I know what a pneumothorax is and I've been to DAN. My question is, If I have a SPT underwater what or how should it be treated? Would a needle work to releive pressure underwater or would it cause downing?If It could work how would it be preformed. I plan to never dive below 20 meters. If I felt a pneumothorax starting should I asend ASAP to keep more air from entering my cavity? Would an emergency asent overweigh the risks of a tension pneumothorax. Could you please help, I'm writing because like most Americans I don't have Med. Insurance. I'm not looking for advice just answers if you have them. Thanks-Rye
So, if I understand you correctly, the scenario is this:
Unilung is pottering about at 20 metres, suddenly feels pain in chest. "uh-oh, looks like I have another pneumothorax!" Commences gentle ascent, while unsheathing chest needle. Shrugs off tank, unzips wet-suit, palpates intercostal space suitable for needle insertion. Inserts needle, thus relieving tension pneumothorax. Gratifying outflow of bubbles.
"Whew, that feels better! Umm..should I complete the dive now, or play it safe and surface? Let's not be foolhardy. Better go topside."
It's pure Fantasyland. You cannot diagnose and treat a tension pneumothorax underwater. As has been stated in the other thread, a history of spontaneous pneumothorax would be regarded by most dive examiners as an absolute contra-indication to diving.
Go skydiving, go work in Iraq, or run with the bulls at Pampalona, but don't go scuba diving.