Who defines what is profane, offensive, or insulting language?
Such concepts are cultural, even within the English language. For example some words have vastly different meanings and/or degrees of social acceptance between here in Canada and the British Isles. Some words that are a normal part of everyday speech and quite innocent in meaning to us are considered quite vulgar to my friends on the other side of The Pond. The reverse also applies.
The line is already a bit blurry and more easily stepped across than many realize. And for that reason, and as most people do, P's and Q's need to be minded in the Public Board.
But private messaging is a different story. Not only is the ability to express one's self in the way one normally would (potentially) being censored. One also has dictated to them what they may or may not read when that should be an entirely personal decision. And that is the worst kind of censorship of all.
That's my 2 psi.
I feel better now
Such concepts are cultural, even within the English language. For example some words have vastly different meanings and/or degrees of social acceptance between here in Canada and the British Isles. Some words that are a normal part of everyday speech and quite innocent in meaning to us are considered quite vulgar to my friends on the other side of The Pond. The reverse also applies.
The line is already a bit blurry and more easily stepped across than many realize. And for that reason, and as most people do, P's and Q's need to be minded in the Public Board.
But private messaging is a different story. Not only is the ability to express one's self in the way one normally would (potentially) being censored. One also has dictated to them what they may or may not read when that should be an entirely personal decision. And that is the worst kind of censorship of all.
That's my 2 psi.
I feel better now