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Who defines what is profane, offensive, or insulting language?

Such concepts are cultural, even within the English language. For example some words have vastly different meanings and/or degrees of social acceptance between here in Canada and the British Isles. Some words that are a normal part of everyday speech and quite innocent in meaning to us are considered quite vulgar to my friends on the other side of The Pond. The reverse also applies.

The line is already a bit blurry and more easily stepped across than many realize. And for that reason, and as most people do, P's and Q's need to be minded in the Public Board.

But private messaging is a different story. Not only is the ability to express one's self in the way one normally would (potentially) being censored. One also has dictated to them what they may or may not read when that should be an entirely personal decision. And that is the worst kind of censorship of all.

That's my 2 psi.

I feel better now :-)
With all due respect, I think some of y'all really need to understand what the term "freedom of speech" really means.

By accepting the TOS, and agreeing to the rules established for the use of this forum, you are in no way giving up your "freedom of speech" ... you are simply entering, of your own free will, into a contract.

If the terms of the contract really bother you, your freedom is in no way compromised. No one is forcing you to remain here.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Is being allowed to express your self as you wish. If you read back I have conceded that if YOU do not want to hear it then it is wrong of me to pursue it with YOU. Grant others the same courtesy to go there way without belittling them.
And if you want to correct people on there English then use upper case E for English and youself is spelled yourself.
Thanks for the input.
Don't forget that there English should likely be their English and it is suggested that a sentence not start with 'and', though some writers disagree.
But private messaging is a different story. Not only is the ability to express one's self in the way one normally would (potentially) being censored. One also has dictated to them what they may or may not read when that should be an entirely personal decision. And that is the worst kind of censorship of all.

That's my 2 psi.

I feel better now :-)

While I agree in concept, its already been stated, accurately, by Natasha, that the board owners don't have the choice to put the filter on only portions of the board. Unless they want to institute an "adults only" access policy to the entire board they have no option but to use the filter. Its an unfortunate side effect that PMs are also filtered.

Don't forget that there English should likely be their English and it is suggested that a sentence not start with 'and', though some writers disagree.

said it SOME, whats your point ?.
Who defines what is profane, offensive, or insulting language?

Such concepts are cultural, even within the English language. For example some words have vastly different meanings and/or degrees of social acceptance between here in Canada and the British Isles. Some words that are a normal part of everyday speech and quite innocent in meaning to us are considered quite vulgar to my friends on the other side of The Pond. The reverse also applies.

The line is already a bit blurry and more easily stepped across than many realize. And for that reason, and as most people do, P's and Q's need to be minded in the Public Board.

But private messaging is a different story. Not only is the ability to express one's self in the way one normally would (potentially) being censored. One also has dictated to them what they may or may not read when that should be an entirely personal decision. And that is the worst kind of censorship of all.

That's my 2 psi.

I feel better now :-)

As a practical mater it isn't so much about what is pranity and what isn't but rather a definition of what's acceptable on the board. It's already been explained that the filter applied to the open board is automatically applied to the rest of the boards including PM's.

So...there is one person who makes a final decision about what's acceptable here and that's the owner. you may be as "profane" as you wish to each other but you might have to go to an email or phone to do it.

Certainly limits were put on your "self expression" in school, probably your parents house and many public/semipublic places.

Also notice that we disallow certain means of self expression even when the filtered words aren't used and that includes PM's. Just ask any one who has acted like a stalker or made threats either on the open board or in PM's and some of that has, in fact, gone on. I'm afraid we had to put limits on how those folks expressed themselves.

Rmember you are free do do anything you want as long as there is no one with the power and the desire to stop you. LOL
In your opinion. I do not disagree completely, but sometimes there are situations where someone may want to express themselves using colorful verbage. I agree with David that if it is between adults who wish to talk that way to each other that should be their choice, but this board does have a filter so this conversation is more about freedom of speech now.
Actually, here in the US where I *think* the board is physically housed, it's not a matter of opinion. Obcenity is not protected under freedom of speech.
said it SOME, whats your point ?.
My point could have been that if you want to correct someone on their English you should use proper English?
The owners of the board can set any rules they want, again if you look back I did concede to this. However under the freedom that you talk about I think I should be able to ask why. Since I accepted Natasha's answer that is now mute.
I think we have a communication breakdown. Your question as to why, as you state, was answered. It's a function of the board software that if certain words are excluded, they are excluded everywhere.

I did not mean to imply that you did not have a right to ask. I was following a different line of discussion.

My point could have been that if you want to correct someone on their English you should use proper English?

I don't. You were the one to bring up the subject of people not being able to express themselves in English. I just pointed out to you that if you were going to put someone down for it then you had better make sure that yours is correct first.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. And that go's for me as well I do not profess to be guru of anything let alone English, but by the same token I do not ( usually ) put people down when I see bad grammar or misspelled words as long as I understand what they are saying, thats all that counts in my book.
By the way I think we are a little of topic with this, also I don't want to get into a p****ng contest over English usage Truce ;)

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