Hey, I for one apologize if I went that to go here, go there. But your question about what differentiates the different fins can all be answered by going here...:no

Ha, no seriously, there is quite a few intelligent discussion about this why so many models, materials, etc... over on the
ForceFin manufactures thread.
But, to save face some, I will give my opinions on the fins
Original/Pro- great easy to use dive fins that pack light and small, they will do pretty much anything you would want out of a dive fin. I have no held that this is the best all around fin on the market, because its price point is comparable and its performance is wonderful
TanDelta- well this is the performance upgrade to the standard blade, more snap therefore more free energy from the transition. Overall, better than the Original or Pro, but at a price.
Extra Force- this is a maximum uber fin- its fast, its powerful (lots of torque), and it can do precision manuevers (sculling) better than any fin I have used. This is further enhanced by using the forcewings (whiskers) about, parrallel for efficency, in tight for power, out wide for control
Excellerators (the fin that starting this thread)- these were designed to frog kick and as their name implies... accelerate. They frog kick wonderfully (a weakness of the other FF designs) and and outpump a surge with only a quick 1,2 kick. They are not as fast as the Extras, but very close and they kick easier, not to mention they track in the water smoother.
I hope that helps