are there some independent tests results for these things?
That displays reason and skepticism that has no place on an internet forum.

It was also the first thing I was thinking.
Mind you, fin tests are rather subjective and prone to tester bias. I haven't seen many "blind" fin tests where people are not allowed to know which fins they are wearing and have them put on by someone else.
You would also have to disqualify anyone who looked down and back at their fins.
At the end of the course you would have to remove their fins in such a way that they don't see them so they can tell you "how they felt" in addition to using the watch timer.
A true independent blind or double-blind fin review would be something that I doubt any fin manufacturer would put up the money for.
I would however would not recommend any supposedly scholarly reports coming from a manufacturer about their own product since it is neither double blind or single blind. No offense to them, but I am sure their own scientist on staff knows how testing, verification, peer review, and repeatable trials work.