Eric Sedletzky
If you were diving a pre made pre set up commercially produced back inflate then set up is perhaps more limited than a steel plate.Well, I sure would like to know what was done wrong in "setting it up"
One way to try and minimize the face plant on surface syndrome is to use a big negative steel tank, place more weight in the rear pockets, and don’t over inflate it on the surface. Over inflation on the surface is one major contributing factor to face planting and this many times is caused by over weighting. Divers carry way too much weight and in order to stay floating they must pump a lot of air into the wing and the bladder floats up pushing them face forward. A plate adds some weight on your back which helps counter the lift of the wing which helps. Back pads also add lift to your backside which certainly doesn’t help. Plates eliminate this but not always, there are some plates out that have padding.
I would say the number one reason people get face planted is because they are carrying too much lead and that lead is probably all put from center forward in pockets which will work to pull the diver forward face down. Combine the two and you have a classic face plant.
Also, back inflates do not allow for the diver to be floating high and dry like a buoy like it’s possible in a wrap around jacket. You sit lower in the water sometimes eye level with inflates either BP/W or conventional, and that’s something you have to get used to. If you like to be high up out of the water and even then use a regular jacket BC.