This is a simple, but really nice feature. It makes cleaning afterwards so easy. Just pour some BC Conditioner, if desired, down the corrugated hose, attach the hose and turn on the water. Once it fills up, I’ll cycle the dump valves to make sure they all get rinsed, then let it run for a bit while I do other stuff.And the inflator lets you attach a water hose to aid in rinsing; a nice plus.
I often forget how nice that is. Went diving yesterday with two friends. I have a Zeagle, one friend also has a Zeagle, and the third has a ScubaPro. While they were cleaning the boat, I cleaned the BCs. First two were the Zeagles, and they were nice and easy. Then I went to the ScubaPro. That’s just a pain. pour some conditioner and water in, then slosh it around, rinse repeat.
Plus, for those who dive with SS1s, Octo-Zs, etc. The coupler makes it simple to store your octo with your regulator, which also makes it easier to get serviced.