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Chris Bangs:

BTW, the Pelican cases are not used for travel, TOOO RISKY! they are now full of Images and the cameras that fill the housings. keeps the goobers from growing in the lenses and on the film.

I love being wrong! Chris, I get around a little and when I look at bad things that have happened to my stuff, well the truth is, I lose it or it gets broken. Never stolen. So I would like to suggest that we are all too paranoid about theft. Somebody on SB suggested I put my Pelican in a big cheap duffle and thats what I do. What are goobers? mold? mildew? Are you saying the bags are too airtight?

Maybe you won't have to wait until this summer.


I love being wrong! Chris, I get around a little and when I look at bad things that have happened to my stuff, well the truth is, I lose it or it gets broken. Never stolen. So I would like to suggest that we are all too paranoid about theft. Somebody on SB suggested I put my Pelican in a big cheap duffle and thats what I do. What are goobers? mold? mildew? Are you saying the bags are too airtight?

Hi, I have know folks and heard about many cases of baggage theft. most if not all of these incidents involved gear in Pelican cases, or similar types. I travel a lot and stealth is the key, nothing but plain old ugly luggage. if I must take a pelican like when working with the whales on a small boat, I do exacty what you do. that is slip it in another regular bag.

BTW, NEVER use a pelican when flying through Puerto Rico!!!!

regarding goobers, in humid conditions, fungus can grow IN lenses as well as on film in a VERY short time. the watertight Pelicans with some desiccant in them are great. I have images that have been kept in these for over 10 years on Guam and they are in perfect condition. Same for my lenses, no fungus!

Maybe you won't have to wait until this summer.



Well Done!

got to go check the hair dryer that is pointed at the battery compartment of my strobe! ( don't ask ). Then pack it up and go diving so I can fill it up again! For me, having stuff that can be washed, dried and used again is important!

Todays project Leaf fish!
Here's my rig:

Canon Powershot S40
Canon WPDC300 Housing
Inon D2000 Strobe
Inon Wide Angle Lens
Inon Macro Lens
Ultralight Arms and Tray

Click on my avatar to see the camera in action.

Hey Warren, you DO know that you can add a few more segments to that rig!!

Believe it or not, I still get a bit of backscatter in some shots, so another foot or so each side would help. But I don't know how much more my sync cable would be able to stretch. And at 8 feet wide, it is difficult enough to manage. I suppose adding 2 more feet brining it to 10 wouldn't be that much more difficult....:439:
Chris Bangs:
I gave up trying to pick which system to post. so I just posted them all in one shot. pardon the mess!



Boo Hoo! I never got to see your museum display! Now I'm big time mad you didn't show it to me in July :D

You should schedule your trip back home after DEMA through Portland or Seattle. Are you ready for some cold water diving in 2006?? :D


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