Tim Ingersoll
I have refused to rent scooters when the family asks and have consistently advised those I know to avoid them. Nothing ruins a vacation like being dead.
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diverdann:I would not call it, "local's insanity," as their transportation methods are limited to what they have access to. Defininetly a culture shock. You may think, "I would never take my children with me on a scooter, because it is way too dangerous" but you are not in their situation. The majority of people in Quintana Roo (Sp?) live at what we in the U.S. consider below the poverty line. They do not have the option of getting everyone into the mini-van or into the Hummer. Most of the locals are operating on a survival mode. They need to work to feed their families, run errands, and all that other good stuff. Cramming several people onto a scooter is simply part of everyday life due to the limited number of options they have.
As far as mopeds/scooters go, I would say, if you are unfamiliar with the area, and have no motorcycle experience, then don't do it. However, as mentioned above, motorcyclist ride with a different frame of mind. We constantly scan for hazards learn the limits of our bikes, and ride within them. I feel comfortable riding a scooter or motorcycle in Coz. I have riden a motorcycle in many heavily populated areas including Mexico City, Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, etc.. But of course, it takes skills and familiarity with the area.
I have seen so many tourist on scooters in Coz thinking that they are toys, riding on the sidewalks, into one-way streets on the opposite side, intoxicated, etc. Maybe this is why you hear more about tourist getting into accidents than the locals.
Christi:For those who haven't seen this, I am going to post it again. This list is compliments of my friend Sally www.barefootincozumel.com (small plug for her thereIt's such a great list that I actually hand it out to my customers in their welcome packet!
Please, please, please do NOT rent a scooter. Everyday here in Cozumel, people are scraped up off the roads as a result of moped accidents.
Sally's Top Ten Reasons Not to Rent a Moped:
10. Most Cozumel streets are one way, except where they aren't.
9. Most north-south streets have the right of way, except where they don't.
8. Patches of gravel appear in the most unlikely spots, making it easy to skid and topple.
7. The brakes on most of the rentals are not in "perfect" condition.
6. Beautiful seaside vistas take your breath away, and your attention off the road.
5. Many tourists have just been to Carlos 'n' Charlie's and are now behind the wheel of a car.
4. Taxis are racing to see how many fares they can transport in one day.
3. Mopeds have a short wheel base which makes them less maneuverable than, say, a motorcycle. (That's for all of you thinking that if you have a motorcycle license, a moped is a piece of cake.)
2. Mopeds do not have adequate acceleration to get you out of a potentially dangerous situation. (Again, for the motorcyclists out there, you understand what I mean.)
1. Given 2-10, a little road rash is enough to ruin any vacation, but going home in a box falls into another category.
Please be safe, spend a little more and surround yourself with a rental car. Return from your vacation in one piece. Mopeds are not an adventure, they are a danger.
Some people need to quit while they're ahead... have you ventured more than 2 blocks in from the waterfront? The standard of living is nowhere even close to the U.S. Better than some areas of Mexico, but you're kidding yourself if you think that everyone on Cozumel has a cush job.Swarth:As far of the rest of your explaination, please spare me your patronizing remarks about Hummers and having to work to feed their families, what here in the US we have free food and housing??. Cozumel, while any idiot would realize is not the US, is however a very prosperous area compared to the rest of Mexico. My point was in my view, given the circumstances, the choice to ride four on a scooter is not wise. However I would also say that anyone who rides a motorcycle anywhere on US highways is short a few flapjacks of a full stack. So please take it at face value, I'm not looking to crusade to force the poor downtrodden people out of their scooters. I was just stating my opinion.