Outside of referencing a Kardashian, nice timely article. Hopefully your article, and the voices of divers, can begin to institute the replacement of plastics in packaging in the diving industry as well as other aspects of daily living.
After a few years of persistence, our town has recently joined neighboring towns in the removal of plastic bags at local supermarkets and stores. Though this may sound like a trivial improvement, as a diver I continue to see plastic bags on shore and/or in our waters on the majority of my local shore dives.
I personally try to eliminate plastics by using a reusable coffee mug, a reusable water bottle, metal cutlery that I keep in suitcase and car, and canvas bags but still admittedly, there is too much plastic in one's life to go completely without. Sadly that even with these personal attempts, my plastic recycle bin is always full well before my refuse trash bag is.