Oh Yeah, Oh yeah! We saw Whale Sharks on the 21 and 22 May with Avadon divers, Splash was there as well. They were estimated to be 20' long, down around 100 feet deep, our snorkelers did not get to see them.
The consensus is that they arrive 3-4 days after the full moon during the season March through June, with April and May being the best bet.
Awesome experience, truly surreal to see the Whale Shark emerge from a massive school of Snapper.
I saw Whale Sharks on 2 of 4 dives, on the other dives we saw Scalloped Hammerhead, wow. Bull Sharks circling us, and big schools of Jacks. Blue water diving with no wall or bottom for reference, should Advanced cert be required?
My dive buddy had been there 4 years in a row, 12 trips to Gladden Spit and this week was his first Whale Shark so it is by no means a sure thing.
Blessing Blessing Blessing, we were lucky and totally psyched.