Placencia Whale Shark Season 2011 - Updates on sightings please

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It's usually the best month. I shall be there this May so it'd better be good!
Ralph; thanks for the information on taking photos & video. Sounds like April was a great month! Thanks for posting all the whale shark sighting news as well!
I finally found a spare moment to try to post some photos (plus got a lot of help from someone who will remain nameless until I test my ability to do it). So I am starting with just one photo and if this works, I will followup with more.[/IMG]

It did not seem to work but I will sent this out anyway to see if the photo shows up. If not, I will go back to my advisor for more help.

Ralph - you need in front of what you posted, so it becomes
Ralph, you did it after all! Good work.


Peter, how do you make the photo smaller? Mine always come out so big that they mess with the margins.

Wow, what a Whale Shark!
I just corrected Ralph's syntax. I think the size is determined by however he loaded the picture into Photobucket.
Hey Peter and Downing. Thanks for the help! Downing was the advisor who gave me the understanding of how to upload the photos. P.eter helped when I did not fully follow Downing's instructions. I will load some more today. We have our first whale shark group going out today - this is a small group that is leaving so have to dive today. Our planned whale shark dives start tomorrow and I will keep all advised on sightings.
More whale shark photos from Gladden Spit, but I loaded 6 and only 3 showed up int the preview. Downing and Peter, can you help?





I was only able to upload three on my last attempt. Will try for four on this attempt.



Had our first May moon whale shark dive yesterday (Tuesday) with a small group that is leaving so they wanted to go even though we were not yet recommending the trip.
They had a great time and saw lots of stuff (turtles, dolphins, sharks) but no whale shark. Our first planned trip is today and I will let all know the results.

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