catherine96821:Oooohhh, you guys, I have gotten BEHIND! where was I? Well, I think they are ugly because, it is a personal thing, but I don't like dogs that drool. It is just me, but I like a dog that keeps its mouth closed. ( I don't like looking at their butts either.)
I think Pit Bulls smell way worse than other dogs.---like gym socks. My dog smells like baby powder, no kidding. Different breeds smell different.
Nadmat, the problem is, you say "don't leave your child with any breed." I said this before, please would somebody listen? ....are you going to personally know/train the dogs where you drop off your six year old? Are you going to not let them go, if you don't know the dog? Well, I am going to let mine go unless, based on very superficial judgments, I don't like the looks or the breed of the dog. Thats what I mean by "real life". When you are a mother, you are not so philosophical, you don't care about blaming the "owners of the world", you just use instinct and mine says those dogs might attack my kid. If a person sends the wrong "vibe", I tell my kids to pay attention. This instinctive intuition we have as animals is getting sanitized right out of us as we get overloaded with information and education and live in more and more artificial suburbs. Overdomesticated.
Yes Catherine, I would know the people and dogs before dropping of my child someplace. I don't have to train those dogs myself, but I would interact with them before allowing my child free reign to romp with them. Do you make a practice of dropping your kids off with people and dogs you have never interacted with at all? Of course for me, the closest I have come to my own child have been my dogs and my neices and nephews. But I would never turn them loose to play with a dog I did not know and had not interacted with personally. The exception to that is that there are a few people whose judgement I would accept about a dog rather than having to interact with it myself.
Instincts are helpful, and I listen to and respect my instinctive responses, but they can still be wrong. So I try to add the few brains God gave me into the equation also.
And I have been trying to listen to your responses, but they seem to come down to ' I don't like pit bulls, my kids won't be allowed near one, no matter what, but I will let my kids freely interact with strange dogs of other breeds because they don't scare me so much '.
as always, JMAO