Tell me how you got the two great photos of the slendid toadfish! I have a couple of photos of these wonderful fish, but they are peaking out from their lairs. The one time I saw one out in the open was on a night dive--and I did not have my camera--damn, damn, damn! At any rate yours are great!
I read what you and Herman wrote about slaves for the S&S cameras and wondered if you had tried the S&S YS30? It slaves by use of a photo cell(no cables needed). I use one with my Nikonos in conjuction with a YS60. They can be used with diffusers to minumize backscatter when a wide angle lens is used--I have even had success with a 15mm and that combo. I would also suggest that a diffuser placed over the front of the "interal" flash on the MM would do the trick to minumize backscatter. You could probably get a piece of frosted plexiglas from a local plastic shop and attach it with marine double stick foam tape(another great 3M product).
I do not know the S&S camera that well, but if you are "handy" my experience is that you can make adapters for attaching flash etc. fairly easily. I admit to having a tool-filled shop(table saw, drill press, routers, sanding stations, presses, and on and on) and, thus, making things is relatively straight forward for me, but if you are a little courageous, have a drill, a saw and a heat gun(or a blow drier), you can make almost anything from thermoplastics like plexiglas.
Once again--great splendid toadfish--or as they say in Cozumel, Un pez Sapo mas bonito que nada!