And then there is your weight. As overweight people have more reflux than thin people. So if your a bit overweight you might think about loosing some...
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And even worse horizontally, right - more so if the diver gets his head below his body to look at something? Gravity is still in play even while floating.There is some literature that documents increased pressure in the esophagus with immersion in an upright position.
Influence of Full-body Water Imme... [J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI
Gastroesophageal dynamics during immersion in... [J Appl Physiol. 1975] - PubMed - NCBI
Best regards,
Salt, I think that the burping is related to air swallowing which in turn may be due to unrecognized anxiety. What you described earlier suggested acid reflux. At depth, the amount of air in your stomach should decrease in volume, not increase.
In any case, if you take an over the counter, Proton Pump Inhibitor, it should decrease the acid level in your stomach and decrease the symptoms.
Good question...!!Do you ever get heartburn on land or while laying in bed?
Try taking antacids right before diving and see if that fixes the problem. Works well for me and I hate it when I forget! If it does, great; if not, then you ruled that out - cheap & easy exercise.