Phuket / Krabi / Phi Phi

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London, UK
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi all,

I'm after some advice on a trip to Thailand in November.

We're planning a liveaboard to the Similans for 4-5 days, but I'm looking for somewhere to stay for a week afterwards. What are the pros and cons of Phi Phi, Phuket and Krabi (or any other ideas)?

We're looking to do a bit more diving, see a few sights and chill out. Not looking for any great nightlife and would prefer to avoid places with lots of kids. We're both reasonably experienced divers with 70+ logged dives.

I'd appreciate any advice that you have.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Karen,

I may have an answer that ticks most of your boxes. We've recently started our overnight services from Ao Nang, Krabi. Spend a day diving around Phi Phi, then go ashore for the hotel, so a chance to spend an evening getting a feel for Phi Phi. Next day, we head down south for Hin Daeng and Koh Haa before returning to Ao Nang.
One thing we have found though, with the current weather conditions, is that most divers like to skip the night dive on the first day, then next day, with only 2 hours down to Koh Haa, get 3 good dives in there before returning. Such beautiful sites there by the way!!! Makes for a nice easy 2 day/6 dive package, but up to 8 dives if you want.
If you want day dives, then any of our boats can serve you for Phi Phi, Shark Point and our local islands.
By the way, we've just had a family of 5 from North Wales just do 2 of the overnight trips, plus day trips from Ao Nang, some of their comments are up on our website now.
Pros of Phuket: 1) Convenience. You will already be using the airport on the island since you are coming for a Similans LOB, so you won't need to get a ferry or overland transportation to get elsewhere. 2) Variety. Phuket is Thailand's biggest island, so if you want one evening of gawking at ladyboys or nightlife, you can get it, and still stay at a relatively quiet part of the island. 3) Diving at the Racha islands, which are too far from Krabi and Phi Phi to be practical for a daytrip.

Pros of Krabi: 1) Beautiful scenery and laid-back beach-town ambiance. 2) Possiblility of diving as far south as Hin Daeng on a trip like the one katdiver describes above.

Pros of Phi Phi: 1) No vehicles on the island, so you get an iconic "tropical island" atmosphere 2) Very nearby dive sites, but also the possibility of getting way down to Hin Daeng on a daytrip.

All three places have their good points. It just depends on what you are dreaming of.
We're planning a liveaboard to the Similans for 4-5 days

When in November? I am doing SS3 for 2 days November 14th and 15th.
No cars on Phi Phi maybe, but I still feel claustrophobic every time I leave the pier at Tonsai Bay, everything so narrow, hawkers outside every door trying to get you in. Maybe it's better once you get away from there..... For me Phi Phi is best seen above and below the water from a boat, but our divers still have the chance to taste Phi Phi with the one night stop over, love it or hate it. So far no complaints for the hotels we've chosen.
Yeah, well, I listed only "pros" for each place, and of course they all have their "cons" too. But those are so relative to the expectations of the particular visitor that what is a negative in one person's view (narrow, hawkers outside every door) might be a positive aspect in another person's estimation (a compact village with little pedestrian lanes). My approach is to avoid discouraging people from going to a place because of my individual bias, and instead encourage them to select their destination based on positive attributes. And that's why I listed only "pros" (despite the fact that personally, I agree with you, katdiver).
Its a shame you cant spend a week in all three locations but if you only have a week I would spend it on Phuket and have a day trip (dive boat or speed dive boat) to Phi Phi
Thanks all, I appreciate the advice. I'm beginning to think that we may have to go more than once and do them all!

Currently looking at a package with Dive Worldwide. 6 days on the Marco Polo and then 7 days in Phuket - Club Palm Resort. The price is very reasonable, and it seems to tick all boxes.

Has anyone got any experience of either?
Well, Kathy, Marco Polo attracts mostly Germans and has a somewhat higher price-point for boats in its class (shared bathrooms) than other boats, but the op is well-respected.

Palm Garden Resort is the boat (Marco Polo) operator's bungalow property. It is on the east side of the island, which does not have swimming beaches, near the village of Chalong. It is a budget property. Many of the guests will be students of the dive school/operator.

I regularly dive with Sea Bees (the company that owns both the Marco Polo and Palm Gardens) - and what Quero says is correct.

The MP is not a brand new boat, but the food and tour leader are good.

Palm Gardens is a short distance from the main road between Chalong and the main pier, so it's quite quiet but allows you to go and find somewhere else to eat if you like (the food there is also good).
For the facilities there (A/C, Pool, Small Bar & Rest.) I think its good value.

Customers are majority German, but unlike us Brits quite a few speak a second language - normally English. That's useful for speaking to the Thai staff who don't speak German :)

If I were you I'd go for it.

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