Photos from Palau

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Tim's a fair old mouthful for a reef shark, and Mike's not exactly anorexic. Come to think of it, Dennis, neither are you...:)

we're all frequent flyer of... FAT airlines...

WOW! Excellent shots, Pak & Tim! I actually fainted, just looking at all those shots. Simply amazing. Thanks for sharing, fellas!

oh stop it're making me blush...

thanks Matthew...

Here's one I call "Hiding from the Paparazzi" :rofl3: Little fella thought he was safe with the photographers distracted by the schooling jacks...


another shark in Palau... <yawn...>
missed this moray photo on my first pass thru my Palau pics... I'm impressed with how sharp the Sigma 18-50 f2.8 EX is behind the dome (even when the photo is cropped...).

BTW, does it look like this moray has a set of fangs in the middle of his mouth?

another shot of the manta at the cleaning station. Had to clear up some severe backscatter.

Pak that shot rocks.....
And I agree it does look like he has a set of fangs in the middle.....

I think he really does and that it's not an optical illusion.....

great lighting :).
missed this moray photo on my first pass thru my Palau pics... I'm impressed with how sharp the Sigma 18-50 f2.8 EX is behind the dome (even when the photo is cropped...).

BTW, does it look like this moray has a set of fangs in the middle of his mouth?

nasty! :D
I think part of it is was that there is SOO MUCH to shoot on each dive that I was getting easily distracted. Sensory overload!!

The pace on the reef is really exhilerating! Blue Corner always reminds me of the grand finale fireworks on the 4th of July. I wonder if there is anyplace better...
Enjoyed those so much! Great shots.

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