Philosophy split discussion

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A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Whoa Guys!!!!​

Lets stop the crucifixion for a moment. First off, as far as I can tell at a quick glance there have been a grand total of two posts that "disappeared" from the discussion. The rest of them were moved to a new thread when this conversation shifted from training philosophy to PADI's marketing machine.

Since some of you feel strongly about this split, Carolyn has asked me for some help sorting it out. It's going to take me a bit of time to slog through ~500 posts and give her some recommendations while doing other things. So please just put your pitchforks away and get back to your discussion while that happens. I'm not sure most of the mods (including myself) would have taken the time to split that many posts instead of deleting them, so how about cutting her some slack for her effort and patience while it's reviewed?
Speaking strictly for myself here, I didn't intend to crucify anyone. My posts were intended to get someone's attention ... because following the procedures we've been told to follow in such cases wasn't getting any response.

Once that response was made, I thanked Carolyn for making it and moved on.

No disrespect intended ... to Carolyn or anyone else.

Thank you and her for your efforts.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
That's a great idea, but I don't know how to post a link to a single thread.

Click on the little number in the upper-right corner of the post. The individual post appears in a separate window. Copy the URL and paste it into your reply in the usual manner ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Thanks Bob. When I do that I see the post number is part of the url. Does it work if the post number changes or if the post is move to another thread?

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Whoa Guys!!!!​

Lets stop the crucifixion for a moment. First off, as far as I can tell at a quick glance there have been a grand total of two posts that "disappeared" from the discussion. The rest of them were moved to a new thread when this conversation shifted from training philosophy to PADI's marketing machine.

Since some of you feel strongly about this split, Carolyn has asked me for some help sorting it out. It's going to take me a bit of time to slog through ~500 posts and give her some recommendations while doing other things. So please just put your pitchforks away and get back to your discussion while that happens. I'm not sure most of the mods (including myself) would have taken the time to split that many posts instead of deleting them, so how about cutting her some slack for her effort and patience while it's reviewed?

CD, thanks for letting us know what is going on, I don't believe any of the ire was directed at Carolyn for her hard work. The real question that I would like answered is by what criteria and by whom is it determined that a negative post is "agency bashing or whining"

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Alright gentlemen, here is your explanation:

Short and simple version is that collectively, we dropped the ball on this.

Several posts were reported because a few barbs were thrown and a couple of posts were anti-agency. Carolyn was the first to see the report and asked how to proceed. Several of us looked at the reported posts and saw what appeared to be the typical degenerating PADI discussion.

Due to the length of this thread and other commitments, we made the mistake of not reading enough of it for context. Carolyn was advised how to proceed, which she followed to the letter.

During the course of this action she accidentally "hid" the thread. We didn't realize this because it was visible to us and it took a while before we understood the concern about the disappearing thread. I was personally sent a PM inquiring where the thread went to and replied with a link to it, totally missing the fact that it was invisible to everyone but Mods. It wasn't until several users chimed into the new thread on the subject and we got multiple reports that the mistake was realized.

Again, there was no conspiracy, we just dropped the ball.

After the thread was split and restored your reactions told us it needed to be re-evaluated, so I volunteered to work with Carolyn to take a look at it. Again, due to the length of the thread and differing schedules this took a bit of time.

To address some of the concerns:

  • This thread is in Basic Scuba. As such, some of the comments were a bit over the top and have been removed.
  • The discussion morphed from Philosophy of Training to PADI is doing it wrong. Some of those comments came across as agency bashing and thus inappropriate for this discussion and this sub-forum.
  • Any agency or person coming under fire in this forum would have been afforded the same protection.
  • In spite of popular belief, Moderators are not "Pro-PADI." Our responsibility is to follow the forum rules which state "friendly and flame free." Since PADI training is a hot button for many people, it's the one that gets the most attention and consequently the most moderation.

As a final thought, I would hope that everyone keeps in mind that Moderators are a volunteer position. None of us do this professionally, none of us are paid for our time. To avoid bias, we try not to moderate discussions we're involved in. In a lengthy thread like this, that policy can work against us because it's hard to get a complete overview without reading in its entirety and doing so takes time away from threads we'd rather participate in. It's a juggling act and sometimes we miss a catch and get hit in the head with a bowling pin.

Carolyn did a good job with the information she was given to work with and I apologize for my part in the oversights and the disruption it caused in your thread.

SB Staff Member
John, Carolyn, et al,

Thank you kindly for your extremely forthright answer I couldn't ask for more.

You guys are doing a great job sometimes it is not so easy for us to realize what is actually involved in the running and moderation of the board. Thanks to all of you out there.


Until you actually DO it, it's really inconceivable how time consuming cleaning up a really messy thread can be. It doesn't surprise me that mistakes are made; it surprises me that so many people are willing to put their hip waders on and do the dirty work. Thanks to Cave Diver and Lives4Sharks for doing work I didn't want to do.
I would like to be able to depend myself.
When did you start wearing adult diapers? Or is that only when you wear your drysuit?:D

J/K Walter. You know I love you.:cool2:
John and Carolyn,

I'd like to thank you both for your efforts, but most of all for communicating what went wrong in all of this and taking responsibility. Although I've thought positively towards the SB Moderators, this puts you up a couple of pegs in my book. We all make mistakes and I understand the job can be overwhelming at times. Again my appreciation.



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