Philippine airlines carry-on weight limits

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I was given a lot of grief flying out of LA on PA for being 3 lbs over with a roll-on bag. FWIW, if you're gonna be close, ditch the heavy roll-on bag and put everything in a lightweight nylon duffel. They didn't charge me and they let my bag on because I couldn't trim any more weight from it.
Indeed that's my strategy, I switched to a 1kg soft roller from my 2kg hard roller. Along with shifting a few things to my "personal item"/backpack, I think it should meet the letter of the rules.
Every airline should enforce all the regulations published.
Pay the extra. PERIOD.

What value are you providing with this comment? The OP was asking how strict PA is regarding carry on. I too am curious about this on different airlines. As photographers, we are constantly dealing with arbitrary weight restrictions with our carry on's. If you have value to provide, provide it, otherwise keep it to yourself...

Back to OP's original question... I have had no issues when flying business, but find them stricter when flying economy. If you are close, go for the camera vest, I carry one, but thankfully have never had to use it. Or... maybe have someone watch your carry on while you check in. I find they are more alert to rollers than to backpacks. I find they are less strict on the long haul international flights and more strict on the internal Philippine flights.
What value are you providing with this comment? The OP was asking how strict PA is regarding carry on. I too am curious about this on different airlines. As photographers, we are constantly dealing with arbitrary weight restrictions with our carry on's. If you have value to provide, provide it, otherwise keep it to yourself...

Back to OP's original question... I have had no issues when flying business, but find them stricter when flying economy. If you are close, go for the camera vest, I carry one, but thankfully have never had to use it. Or... maybe have someone watch your carry on while you check in. I find they are more alert to rollers than to backpacks. I find they are less strict on the long haul international flights and more strict on the internal Philippine flights.
If every airline enforces the regulation diligently then there wont' be any question on excess luggage(check or hand carry).
On the other hand if every passenger observes the regulation then there won't be any issue on excess luggage.
It is ridiculous waiting on the queue because some passengers are arguing on excess luggage.

Every airline should have a scale on the gate to check the final weight of the hand carry before allowing passengers onto the plane.
I have NO issue with that and love to see that happening.

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