Periodontist in Thailand

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A bit off-topic for a diving forum but nonetheless...

Can anyone recommendation a periodontist in Thailand? I'm in need of gum grafts and having them done in Canada will cost me a fortune that I don't have.

Initially, I was thinking of Mexico, but my online research is leading me to believe that the overall quality is consistently higher in Thailand. I'll continue researching, but some firsthand testimonials from SBers would be great!

TIA! :)
Who in canada is doing the grafts? My mother has a friend that is a periodontist (first name peter, based out of Toronto). He lives in a 3 million dollar mansion and has attempted to get permission to take a helicopter to work.
Where in Thailand? If your in Bangkok check out Dental 19 on Sukhumvit Soi 19. A great family run and western trained facility.
Why not ask on I think you'll get better answers there since tons of resident expats participate in that forum. There may even be some posts on the topic already. Huge forum, very active.

Assuming that Bangkok will give you a better range of options, here are a couple that have been recommended (but I have no personal experience with periodontists in Thailand, so this is second-hand information)

Dr. Kaesarin Rojanasomsith, Pacific Dental Care Bangkok
Bangkok Dental Hospital

Hope that helps
Why not ask on I think you'll get better answers there since tons of resident expats participate in that forum. There may even be some posts on the topic already. Huge forum, very active.

Assuming that Bangkok will give you a better range of options, here are a couple that have been recommended (but I have no personal experience with periodontists in Thailand, so this is second-hand information)

Dr. Kaesarin Rojanasomsith, Pacific Dental Care Bangkok
Bangkok Dental Hospital

Hope that helps

Thanks, Quero. I've never heard of until now so I'll check it out.

Bangkok seems to have the most selection so I reckon I'll concentrate my research there.
Haven't had any feedback on Mexico yet, but a friend is going to the USC Dental School next week I think. Of course going to Thailand with all the great diving makes sense to me!
Yeah, the major hospitals do have dental departments; it's all part of the cosmetic dentistry/medical tourism trend here in Thailand. In addition to Bumrungrad Hospital (arguably the top general hospital in Thailand) there's Bangkok Hospital Bangkok's Dental Center (with branches around the country, including Phuket) and also BNH Hospital Dental Clinic, all in Bangkok. I only mentioned Dr. Kaesarin and the Dental Hospital as they are very specific. If you can identify particular periodontists at the general hospitals rather than just the departments, that would be best.
The Bumrungrad Hospital was just a lead. I don't have any first hand experience in the dental department there but have had two dentist from the U.S. tell me they have an excellent department.

I have used the hospital in other departments though and have found it to be an amazingly easy place to get healthcare in this part of the world.
Check out Thantakit International in Bangkok. Two of my friends have spent their dental holidays in getting a treatment at Thantakit. Living in Thailand for more than a year, I could vouch for their amazing service. Had a wisdom tooth extraction, as well as fillings, and was very impressed. The dentists weren't pushy in upselling and were very polite. Best of all communication was unexpectedly great!

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