Last time I was trying to dive in Florida I tried to dive the Blue Herring Bridge and it was pea soup. I couldn't see my hand 1ft in front of my face! (I really wish the dive shop there warned me about the water visibility 500yards from their door! I couldn't dive! AND they wouldn't give me a refund!!! Said that was standard practice everywhere.)
That's pretty lame, I wouldn't use that shop. When I go in to pick up tanks from my LDS they always ask what diving I'm planning on and what the conditions have/might be like.
Let me ask some more questions please. I looked at the forcast and saw a lot of rain for the week I planned on vacationing to the pan handle. There is a 90-40% chance of rain Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday according to the weather channel website.
Q) if you had family comming into town wanting to dive and the forecast looked like that, what would your expectations be and where might you dive? Would you change the previous suggestions? Would you go to inland springs? Would you maybe try to roadtrip several hours somewhere else? Would you still suspect it would be divable?
Also, I booked a dive with a charter for monday. Does anyone want to place odds that it will still be on?
If this were mid summer I'd say rain forecast isn't a big deal, patchy showers/storms almost every day isn't uncommon for stretches in the summer.
Some options if people are really wanting to dive are to look at the radar/forecast the night before and see if PCB, PCola might be better. Or if you can head to Vortex or even further east to Jackson Blue Springs. If you really want to get in the water you could drive further toward Crystal River area, Devil's Den is supposedly pretty cool and you could try snorkeling with the manatees.
What dive op are you booked with? Rain won't stop you from going out, but wind and lightning will, so it will depend, might be fine.