Paul Watson (Sea Shepherd) needs to man up!!!!

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I watched The Cove tonight. What I found quite interesting about the film was the difference between how Sea Shepherd handled protesting in Taiji and the filmers of The Cove.

Sea Shepherd did this lame arse surf board protest in the dolphin killing area, fishermen started poking them with sticks, they started crying and ended up aborting whatever it was they were planning with that, and then they are not allowed back to Taiji. Umm, nice work dudes. It was so lame I was embarrassed for them watching it.

Where as the people on The Cove, gathered evidence on the sly, the main guy gets harassed by the fishermen but doesn't attack them physically or anything and so on. They keep their stuff as low key as possible (well as possible as you can get with a group of Westerners showing up in a small Japanese town with huge amounts of luggage) and go in and set up all these discreet cameras (lot of expense and time it appeared). They then go on to make an award winning documentary that can be used to educate people about the killing of cetaceans...
No, the peak of human arrogance is to think that gut feel and opinion should determine policy, not research and evidence.

I am not basing my point of view solely on gut feeling. I am saying we have nowhere near enough information, and instead of assuming we do and going forward full steam we should NOT proactively kill animals we have little information about.

You really seem to be missing the concept of remaining cautious until totally sure. Regardless, I would rather base my caution on a gut feeling and end up with too many whales, than act on bad information and say "****, we were wrong, now there are no more whales."

You speak with the authority of someone who KNOWS everything about whales, and you arent even in the field (neither am I , but my position of caution means that if I am wrong no harm has been done).

BTW, not being vegan doesn't invalidate my position or my argument. It is irrelevant to the desire to help preserve the environment and not hunt whales.
I am not basing my point of view solely on gut feeling. I am saying we have nowhere near enough information, and instead of assuming we do and going forward full steam we should NOT proactively kill animals we have little information about.

You really seem to be missing the concept of remaining cautious until totally sure. Regardless, I would rather base my caution on a gut feeling and end up with too many whales, than act on bad information and say "****, we were wrong, now there are no more whales."

You speak with the authority of someone who KNOWS everything about whales, and you arent even in the field (neither am I , but my position of caution means that if I am wrong no harm has been done).

If that is your only argument as to why you support whaling, cool... Just tired of hearing guff that is not true.

BTW, not being vegan doesn't invalidate my position or my argument. It is irrelevant to the desire to help preserve the environment and not hunt whales.

Well it makes it hypocritical.
I watched The Cove tonight. What I found quite Sea Shepherd did this lame arse surf board protest in the dolphin killing area, fishermen started poking them with sticks, they started crying and ended up aborting whatever it was they were planning

That, actually, was pretty funny. Sometimes I do cringe at how easily a gust of wind could knock one of these 'pirates of compassion' over. If it had been me protesting, I'd have definitely killed somebody.

Well it makes it hypocritical.

No, it doesn't. It seems to make you feel like a hypocrite, but not I. But I'm still not going back there with you.
The people on surfboards are members of the "Surfrider Foundation" - not Sea Shepherd.

The founder of which is a Sea Shepherd supporter. And it is Surfers for Cetaceans.

Sea Shepherd members were arrested a few years back for cutting nets and releasing
dolphins. They spent a couple of weeks in jail.

Yea again, super lame stunt, short run fix only, which is about all Sea Shepherd can manage.

How does this address the legality questions I raised to you?

Your article discusses some whale species yes, but you know there are different kinds of whales?
That, actually, was pretty funny. Sometimes I do cringe at how easily a gust of wind could knock one of these 'pirates of compassion' over. If it had been me protesting, I'd have definitely killed somebody.

Yea, protesters like this frustrate me these days. I was a member of an organisation in the same vein as Sea Shepherd (not going into details, but we did direct action stunts as well) when I was in my teens and I got to see a lot of what went on. It was a mixture of charismatic leaders on an ego trip (aka Mr Watson) mixed with naive middle class young people thinking they could make a change with ill thought-out protest ideas.

No, it doesn't. It seems to make you feel like a hypocrite, but not I. But I'm still not going back there with you.

Ok then, I think you are a hyprocrite. You may not think it but you are. But don't worry most people are when they criticise others.
If it weren't for their so called "stunt" people like you would still be ignorant to
the facts.
I've already addressed the legality questions, so have others, but you only hear what
you want to hear.
The articles address Minke whales and sustainability issues that support my claim that there
is not enough information to take unneccessary chances or risk to that species.
I am quite aware there are different kinds of whales - thank you for another stupid comment.
Yea, protesters like this frustrate me these days. I was a member of an organisation in the same vein as Sea Shepherd (not going into details, but we did direct action stunts as well) when I was in my teens and I got to see a lot of what went on. It was a mixture of charismatic leaders on an ego trip (aka Mr Watson) mixed with naive middle class young people thinking they could make a change with ill thought-out protest ideas.

Were you a naive middle-class young person who thought you could make a change with ill thought-out protest ideas?

If you were, what made you give up and begin to criticise the only groups that were phsycially doing something? :D

Ok then, I think you are a hyprocrite. You may not think it but you are. But don't worry most people are when they criticise others.

I think you're probably right, but I'm okay with it if I am... most people are. This means we are in agreement.

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