Past NDL. And then this???

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Isn't this kind of like telling someone to get a different doctor if they don't like the advice provided by the current doctor?

People do this all the time. It's called getting a second opinion, and it's often warranted. There are stupid doctors just like there are bad deco algorithms. And let's not pretend that the algorithms in recreational dive computers are not deco algorithms. They absolutely are because all dives are deco dives. To have an algorithm do something drastically different after a certain threshold than before is the equivalent in this case of having a stupid doctor.

Get a second opinion OP. The doctor you currently have is stupid.
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I am curious. From my dive computer / Subsurface tests I believe my Aladin runs a BuhlMann 30/90.

Is this considered aggressive?
For a vacation diver doing a week of 5 to 6 dives a day?

It does to me. I'd recommend you have a higher GF lo and a lower GF hi. I dive 70/70.
We really do not know what gradients my computer uses.

If you're seeking conservatism shouldn't you find this problematic? Wouldn't it be better to KNOW what GFs your computer is using because you set them yourself? You can get a used Petrel on SB for $500 or less. I'd recommend it.
Too bad that the focus remains on the computer. It is just a model, a very simplified representation of what is happening in your body.

Switching between computer brands will not prevent DCS. If you understand decompression and offgassing, you can predict what the computer will tell you.

Putting a (recreational) computer in error mode is easy. If you do the same with your body, it doesn't clear automatically after 24 or 48 hours.
Keep in mind that the diver was not in deco, the computer was. And it was given IWR to save it.
This is nonsense.

Technical divers routinely compare ascent rates and deco obligations. They also routinely change both of those as they see fit--sometimes based on old and disproven theories, unfortunately.

NDLs, deco times, etc. are always a range. And you are doing yourself a service, not a disservice, to inform yourself of some of the calculated ranges. Saying that you will only stick to your own computer because it must be right is just foolish nonsense. That said, making these kinds of adjustments without understanding their potential implications because one has failed to inform themselves is just as nonsensical and foolish.
I just do not agree with what you had said.
I do tec dive as well and we plan the dive and dive dive the plan.
Change of plan is only for emergency.
If I have doubt on my computer, I will replace it. If my computer say 1 min to deco I will notify my buddy and ascend. I really don't care what his computer said. Anyway, if my buddy give me a going up signal I will just follow. No question ask.

"NDLs, deco time, etc. are always a range" I know that.
What would you do if you are down to 1 min to deco and you buddy has 5min more. Would you ascend or wait for him?

You like to use the words foolish, stupid on you various posts!! Perhaps you are the one that need to calm down!
I'm confused by your response. You said you'll ascend if your computer says 1 minute, regardless of your buddy's remaining deco time. And that you would follow your buddy if he gives you the ascend signal, regardless of what your computer tells you. Without questioning things.

You can't have it both ways. You can't castigate a diver for ignoring the BS deco his crap dive computer told him he needed to accomplish while saying that you're willing to disregard your own deco if your buddy signals ascend. That is completely hypocritical.

Pick one Centrals. Either you "honor" your computer, as you stated previously, or you don't. Which is it?
I'm confused by your response. You said you'll ascend if your computer says 1 minute, regardless of your buddy's remaining deco time. And that you would follow your buddy if he gives you the ascend signal, regardless of what your computer tells you. Without questioning things.

You can't have it both ways. You can't castigate a diver for ignoring the BS deco his crap dive computer told him he needed to accomplish while saying that you're willing to disregard your own deco if your buddy signals ascend. That is completely hypocritical.

Pick one Centrals. Either you "honor" your computer, as you stated previously, or you don't. Which is it?
It may not be worded in the way you want it, but what Centrals was saying was.

Which ever computer gets down to the agreed abort reading first, both divers would ascend. Not complicated and followed by most divers I know.
I'm confused by your response. You said you'll ascend if your computer says 1 minute, regardless of your buddy's remaining deco time. And that you would follow your buddy if he gives you the ascend signal, regardless of what your computer tells you. Without questioning things.

You can't have it both ways. You can't castigate a diver for ignoring the BS deco his crap dive computer told him he needed to accomplish while saying that you're willing to disregard your own deco if your buddy signals ascend. That is completely hypocritical.

Pick one Centrals. Either you "honor" your computer, as you stated previously, or you don't. Which is it?
Edward3c has summed up very well.
Between my buddy(ies) and I, who ever computer reaches 1 min to deco is the time to go up regardless of what other computers indicated. No question ask. Actually who ever give a thumb up signal is the end of the dive. No question ask.
I would rather honour my words than my computer!!! Plan the dive and dive the plan.
I'm confused by your response. You said you'll ascend if your computer says 1 minute, regardless of your buddy's remaining deco time. And that you would follow your buddy if he gives you the ascend signal, regardless of what your computer tells you. Without questioning things.

You can't have it both ways. You can't castigate a diver for ignoring the BS deco his crap dive computer told him he needed to accomplish while saying that you're willing to disregard your own deco if your buddy signals ascend. That is completely hypocritical.

You do understand that "disregarding your own deco" means ascending too late, not ascending too soon, right? When your buddy gives the ascend signal, you ascend. It's not a question or a request, it's a direction that should be followed without hesitation.

I believe what Centrals said was that a recreational team ascends when the first diver approaches the NDL. Why do you think that's "hypocritical"...?

And just to be absolutely clear for any new divers reading this thread, you should ascend when your computer tells you to. Even if someone on the Internet has told you that your computer is "crap" and is giving you "BS deco".
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Which ever computer gets down to the agreed abort reading first, both divers would ascend. Not complicated and followed by most divers I know.
This is complicated by the fact that people are throwing tech diving into the discussion. For recreational diving, I agree with this 100%. For technical diving, if my computer says I am done with a decompression stop and should ascend to the next stop, and my buddy's computer says to stay at that stop longer, then I am going to stay with my buddy.

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