Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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Now the tandem attacks and mischacreterizations start. Some of the posts you will see from dimdavid now have less to do with this topic but his attempt to incite because I pointed out his constant off topic, one line responses to every thread he posts in . All one has to do is do a search of his screen name to see the level of his participation in threads that go beyond one line. Another motive for this is his attempt to get the mods to shut the tread down.

I would ask the rest of you to stay on topic and leave dimdavid to his own style of posting.
do as he says boys, he's a troll, trolls rule
You are not just asking for the airline to refund your purchase price.

You are asking them to refund 150% of the purchase price AND deliver the product.

This would be akin to buying something at Costco, asking them to deliver it the next day, receiving the product in 2 days, and having them send you a check for 150% of the price of the item. While you keep the item.

Costco doesn't do that. No one does that.

I don't want my money back because I don't want to be in a positon that it is required. We want OFF THE PALNE AFTER A 3 HOUR WAIT. beyond that is CONFINEMENT
475 incidents out of 650,000,000 events. Yes friend, that qualifies as a non-issue in my book.

Would you pay $10 more per ticket to reduce it to 100 incidents? And if so, WHY?????

ERR doesn't that make it .000006ish% of all events?
What the airline apologist do not seem to undestand is that many of these incidents go unreported or hidden by deceptive airline practices. We want full discloser, but most of all, GET US OFF THE DAMN PLANE AFTER 3 HOURS
pilot fish:
I don't want my money back because I don't want to be in a positon that it is required. We want OFF THE PALNE AFTER A 3 HOUR WAIT. beyond that is CONFINEMENT

And it's been amply conveyed here that you are free to get yourself off that plane in today's world. PM Catherine for more tips and techniques.

You are asking for more than that in your bill of rights, much more.

Let me put it in terms of diving, maybe that will help.

A particular dive site has 100,000 visitors per year. Yesterday there was a fatality. The only fatality this year.

Would you be here arguing so vehemently for an overhaul in diving operations based on those numbers? After all, that one diver paid a much higher price than being confined on an airplane for 11 hours.

Would you argue that the Government should review dive operations and operators? A panel be appointed to review future fatalities? Would you advocate stringent reporting for each and every dive operator on that site?

Or would you simply say that dive accidents are part of the equation of diving, and do everything possible to ensure you weren't the next fatality?

You have to put these things in context. Sure, for the people involved it wasn't fun, but, it is, absolutely, in the big scheme of things, a non-issue.
I got it maybe PiFi is Netdoc's sock puppet!!!
I got it maybe PiFi is Netdoc's sock puppet!!!

The posts that I've read from NetDoc have always struck me as much more rational. Maybe he's NetDoc's brother-in-law.
The posts that I've read from NetDoc have always struck me as much more rational. Maybe he's NetDoc's brother-in-law.

exactly the reason for the sock puppet. . . :D

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