Parrotheads of the world unite!

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and a Parrothead, that must make me a Pirate looking at Forty....hahaha.

As a matter of fact I just returned from a two week school in Clearwater Beach and a few of my buddies stated that I looked like ol' JB. They then started trying to pass me off as his younger brother to other lovely half-intoxicated ladies in the tiki bars. Some actually bought the line of BS, even two of thier boyfriends.

Well I do like Margaritas ALOT!!!!!! so maybe I am related.

Wendy.....You know that I'm on your to call list with those tickets, 'cause you're my 'Rita drinking buddy. We'll have to work on that mixture though and not have ones like at Ginnie Springs.

Let the sharks have him and his music.

If The Big Parrot has his way, you wont' be able to dive in Florida. He would make it illegal to operate a boat anywhere south of about Steinhatchee.

Now, about that diving you want to do.....

Oh, wait. You supported this clown and he made it illegal for you to get out there to dive with all his money - which, by the way, is your money, since you gave it to him.

Very intelligent you are....

... its about giving money to a guy who "has his" (in his case, a custom Rybovich Sportfishing boat) and is hell-bent on making sure you have nowhere to dock - or use - yours.

For divers this is a major problem, because without boats, you are going to have just a slight problem getting where you'd like to go so you can dive.
BILLB's thread to use as your personal soap box. If you don't like what Buffett has done in his past and or current life then don't read the post. BILLB just wanted to hear from some folks that have a common interest in a type of music. The same way that we all have an interest in SCUBA.

Keep this post going in the path it was started in. If you want to rant and rave about Jimmy Buffett start a thread about it in the Gen. Disc.

Been a Parrot Head since the early 70's. Made lots of his concerts, first one was in Amarillo Texas when he was the opening act for Jerry Jeff Walker! But since the advent of ticketmaster I have been unable to get tickets. I am at least 6hrs for the nearest venue he plays and buying from TM really sucks! I hope to get lucky and see him again. Last time I was in Belize he did a set or two a bar a few hours after our plane left, just my luck!
I don't agree with all of his politics or any one elses for that matter but I love his tunes! Sure were a lot of boats in Florida last time I was there. But I'll check and see if they are all gone next week.
Oh yeah, the last time I saw him was in Denver about 8 or 9 years ago.
Have been to a few of his concerts, the last one was quite some time ago (1993). His "Songs You Know by Heart" is a must have for any drive to the Keys. Nothin' like goin' over 7 mile bridge, seeing that crystal blue tropical water and hearing "changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes..."
A trip to Key West is never complete unless there is a stop in Margaritaville.
The Conundrum of “Margaritaville” Continues

By Jim Kalvin

Sorry folks, but I just can’t hold off on this topic any longer.

As a Florida native, boater, fisherman, sailor, and mariner, all of this “Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville” garbage has to be called for what it is.

I mean, think about it… For over thirty years, Buffet has been going all around the world singing the praises of life afloat - most specifically in the Florida Keys or the islands of the Caribbean. From Seattle to New York, and from North Dakota to the southern extremes of Texas, he has been inspiring people to go south, get a boat, and live the Jimmy Buffet life-style.

His writings and music are rife with references to certain bars, islands, restaurants, bays, and inlets that have been immortalized, and have become destinations for millions of visitors over time. Along with the locations, a healthy dose (or an unhealthy dose - depending upon your point of view) of alcohol and marijuana is added to the mix in order to provide the mind-altering perception that one is able to escape reality, and come to Paradise with Mr. Buffet. Or, as in his latest smash hit co-produced with Alan Jackson, he says that your ills can be cured by walking off of your job, getting drunk, climbing aboard your boat, and heading, once again, south to Margaritaville.

But what is one really going to find when one reaches the City Limits of Margaritaville?

I believe that most would be surprised to say the least.

First of all, you won’t be able to find a dock to put your boat. If your boat is on a trailer, you will have to get up pretty early to find a parking place at the boat ramp - if you can find a boat ramp that you are able to use. And marina space? Forget it! Marinas in Florida are disappearing as fast as redevelopment permits can be obtained, and we are not getting any new facilities anytime soon.

Secondly, if you are able to put your boat into the water, you are likely going to be faced with massive “no entry” areas, extended (miles long) “slow speed” zones, or Marine Protected Areas (no fishing, anchoring, diving, or other uses allowed).

One would be inclined to ask why it should be so hard to come down to enjoy that which Mr. Buffet promotes. And the irony is that it is Mr. Buffet himself that has led the charge to curtail pleasure boating throughout the State of Florida through his financial support and direct involvement with Save the Manatee Club.

A good idea at the time of inception, the “Club” now pays its directors much more than it spends on conservation efforts or anything having to do with “saving manatees.” And the modus operandi of the group is to sue individuals, municipalities, and our Government agencies to curtail water access throughout the State. Millions upon millions of dollars have been stuffed into the salaries, retirement accounts, and expense accounts of SMC directors, while their long-range objective has been to close one waterway after another.

Current marina owners have been sued, and potential builders of new facilities face impossible mountains of regulatory red tape due to the whinings, legal maneuverings, and heavy-handed tactics of these “for-hire” non-profit environmentalists. As well, single-family home-owners are now being stripped of their ability to legally keep their boat in the water behind their homes. And, Buffet’s name is wielded like a weapon in legislative committees and agency staff meetings. Strangely, he is touted as the end-all, be-all, do-all of aquatic resource management by his drones at these gatherings.

Funny, though I was a fan of his during the 70’s and 80’s, I don’t remember ever seeing “Dr.” or “PHD” in front of, or behind his name.

So, Mr. Buffet - who is probably personally responsible for more boaters coming to Florida than any other single cause (including the Marine Industries Association or our Tourist Development Councils) - makes it possible for SMC to wage their war against those that call themselves “Parrot-Heads.” The very people who are responsible for Mr. Buffet’s wealth are the ones that his “Club” is attacking - and has been attacking since the mid 70’s. While he could have been using his considerable influence over the years helping with boater education, safety initiatives, and real resource protection measures, Mr. Buffet has, instead, chosen to wage a silent war against all aquatic resource users. By making targets of his fans in the name of “saving the manatee,” he has done the manatees, the State of Florida, and the entire aquatic resource a severe injustice.

Is this just my opinion?

You might like to think so. But the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commissioners might tend to agree. They have publicly lambasted the leaders of Save the Manatee Club recently, and on numerous occasions, for misleading the public, lying to the Commissioners, costing the State huge sums of money fighting their base-less lawsuits, and for ignoring available science in pursuit of their “no-growth / anti-access” agenda.

Come down to “Margaritaville”?

To do what? Stand on the bridge, and look at where you might have been able to go boating years ago?

Buffet is taking your money to fight your ability to enjoy the very things that he has sung and written about. But don’t worry - he will always be able to enjoy the Oceans. His sea-plane, and his motor yacht will take him far away from the waters of Florida that he is helping to close down - one waterway at a time.

I’m just sorry that Alan Jackson has been duped into believing in the myth of “Margaritaville.”

Reproduced WITH permission

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