Yes, it is.ipe is very scary!
I really like to get mor educated about IPE and the causes. Most divers never heared about it
I was on a checkout for a Deep, or maybe Night cert. First dive of the day. Dive site is a deep hole with some platforms at various depths, and some objects at the bottom to try to make it interesting. Water is FL cool, 72ish year round, and very tannic. Light doesn’t penetrate very far, so you can do a “night dive” there in the middle of the day.
Four students and the instructor that day. We reached the bottom at 106’, then started to head up along the wall. One of the students started to panic. I saw a flurry of bubbles, and some very rapid kicking toward the surface. This was around 80’.
Instructor caught up to her and managed to calm down. She got herself under control and signaled she was OK. We ascended to the upper platform which was around 18’ or so. At that point, 3 of us practiced deploying DSMBs as instructed, but the panicked diver refused. She just laid down on the platform, still signaling OK. When the safety stops were completed, we headed to the surface.
As soon as we broke the surface, the panicked diver spat out her regulator and was gasping/gurgling. I handled her gear, while the instructor got her out of the water. Called EMS, and put her on O2. She did a precautionary chamber ride, and was diagnosed with PE, most likely IPE.
My daughter is like that. Barely uses any air. My consumption is decent, but even with a 130, I’ll likely run out of gas before she does while diving with an AL80.I've also never seen anyone as good on air as him.