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Recently on my second dive after Open Water Certification I had a mild panic - say 4-5/10 while clearing a full mask. Enough to make me ascend from16m without a safety stop!

I do feel I learned a lot from it though, enough to send me off practicing mask clearing and better self control next time. It gave me the knowledge that I could sit there with a full mask if needed until I calmed down, or even ascend safely with a full mask (hold nose if needed, that kind of thing).

Got me thinking, how often / common are panics? Does everyone have one at some point during their diving 'career'? What are peoples opinions?
I admire that you recognize not having been at ease and that you are seeking opinions. By now, there have been quite a few replies to your posting. I hope you seek to continue diving and I merely suggest that you acquire a comfort -- at your own pace -- by practicing mask clearing (preferably with a buddy in close proximity to assist, if needed). There is no need to race in accomplishing this task while continuing to breathe, relax, and think. You may yet be able to somewhat see underwater (depending upon conditions) and the mask clearing does not have to be totally accomplished upon the first attempt. It is my sincere hope that you develop comfort and that any such perception of stress transitions into confidence.
(for example replacing a mask underwater)

Hey cool answer lots of detail thanks man

On scuba are you constantly exhaling through your nose during mask replacement

What do you think you would do with mask off for five minutes, personally I don't know how I do it
Hey cool answer lots of detail thanks man

On scuba are you constantly exhaling through your nose during mask replacement

What do you think you would do with mask off for five minutes, personally I don't know how I do it

I don't think it's necessary to exhale all the time while changing the mask.

Suppose you have to do a safety stop and the (main) mask has broken.
And suppose you still want to have good underwater vision during the stop: you can imagine that it would be useful to have a spare, but for a similar purpose, where we are close to the ascent and therefore there is no need to equalize the mask, you could even have simple goggles with you, as a backup. They are less cumbersome than a mask and many models are foldable. You can empty them with a maneuver that does not use air from the nose, but the air from the regulator, slightly raising the lower edge of goggles. I tried it myself and I managed to empty them enough from water to have good visibility.
This solves the problem of vision.
Now let's consider the problem (for those who consider it a problem) of water in the nose. Those who do not consider it a problem are not interested in the rest of the discussion.
Well, it is obvious that you just have to hold your nose with one hand, when needed or even all the time of the safety stop. Or if you want free hands (or don't have hands at all like some physically impaired divers), just use some device that keeps your nose closed for the necessary time. Basically, I don't see any big problems in managing a break of a few or even many minutes, without the mask. In principle, if you don't have to use your hands (or other voluntary gestures) to isolate the airways from the water, you could even think about taking an underwater nap

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