Well if you don't like that story,

, this weekend I about freaked when bullsharks started rushing at me when they were amped up from feeding. I was in open water, alone, ascending from 180 feet, with 20 minutes of deco and in an attempt to rise above the shark feeding activity, I kinda panicked a little and exceeded the recommended ascent rate. The situation was not in my control.
In open water I have had several instances where I was out of control and approaching panic due to sharks coming in on me and me having to fight them off... once even using my fists, because I had nothing else. Another time I was so scared as multiple sharks rushed at me with mouths open, I just shot to the surface in a panic when I should have probably tried to fend them off. Who knows why I didn't get bit that time. Super aggressive sharks are a very real concern for me and I know that they can induce panic in this experienced diver.
A few years ago, while freediving, we had an aggressive, big shark come shooting up at me and my buddy (on the surface) and a 4 ft baracuda that I had speared (which was on the spear and line), was panicked by the shark causing the cuda to try to hide between our legs as the shark tried to eat it. My very experienced (scuba and freedive) buddy totally panicked on the surface and jumped on my back and shoved me underwater using me as a human shield from the shark.
I also witnessed a friend get shot by a speargun, when an extremely experienced scuba instructor panicked at the surface due to an aggressive shark and accidentally fired a speargun up out of the water.
Reaching the surface does not always mean safety nor a remedy for panic.
Other than the cave incident, I think most all of my UW panic situations have been associated with sharks.
Actually thought of a few more times when I have totally freaked when diving.. there was the alligator in zero vis, getting tangled with an oxygen bottle suspended from the surface and beating me on the head in rough seas.....