You can also ask the instructor or DM if you can share air with them for a minute at depth to see what a regulator should breathe like. Chances are excellent that they'll be using properly working equipment. If theirs breathes a lot easier than yours, getting your reg fixed/adjusted will make a huge difference. A lot of people are diving with regs that are hard-breathers because they don't know what a good one breathes like.
It's like the old Henny Youngman joke: Q:"How's your wife?" A:"Compared to what?"
srhtech:The reg (Apex XTX) breathes good it was all because of anxiety that I was breathing heavy. I was getting plenty maybe too much air. One thing I should have concentrated more on was making sure to exhale more.
Well I will eat my words now. We went diving this weekend to a local spot. First decent I didn't feel good again. I had fixed the mask but I still just wasn't feeling comfortable, so I thumbed us to the surface. At the surfaced I was checking over all my gear to figure out my problem. I looked closer at my regulator and relized that I had adjusted it backwards. I had the it turned all the way to the negative side. I adjusted it all the way positive and we went back down. I must say that I was having much more fun once I could breathe. It's weird that I didn't know that the air supply was my problem. I guess it is not a natural feeling to have a resistance on your breathing. Well after turning it all the way up I was getting too much but too much is definatly better than not enough, so with a little tweaking I was feeling alot better under water.
The second issue that I noticed I was having was decending in the middle water column where you can not see the bottom. I chose for us to dive at this particular location because the visibility is not very good. I have never had a problem when I could see the bottom on the way down. I think it is because I can not tell how fast I am decending. To correct this I started to monitor my computer on the way down so that I can tell how fast my decent is, once the bottom comes into view I get more comfortable.
I am just happy that all is well again and it was not jsut a mental issue that was my problem. I think a few more local dives and I'll be ready to get back out in the ocean again real soon.
Thank you everyone for your input. This reminds me that I need to take all of the suggestions into account without brushing them off because I think that I know better.