Palm Beach sewage spill.... eeeeewwwww...

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Heck on lake Michigan we pump the treated="Sometimes" waste in one pipe out into the lake-short pipe.And next to it,a long pipe,
we have a pipe that brings in the water we drink,MMMMMMMMMMMMM!
As the treatment guys say,
the solution to pollution is dilution!
Heck on lake Michigan we pump the treated="Sometimes" waste in one pipe out into the lake-short pipe.And next to it,a long pipe,
we have a pipe that brings in the water we drink,MMMMMMMMMMMMM!
As the treatment guys say,
the solution to pollution is dilution!

Across the lake in Muskegon it spills into Muskegon Lake which flowes out to lake Michigan past/over the drinking water intake pipe. Grand Rapids pumps there S&%t down the Grand River to Grand Haven who then has to drink it and close there beaches. Are humans the only animals that drink there own s*%t.
Planning a dive around there somewhere the second week of April. What are the water temps. going to be anyway?
Well I thought the water would be getting warmer, but this weekend, it was 70° or less. If this keeps up, drysuits won't be enough - we'll need hot-water suits.
Sorry if I offend anyone but this is one subject im happy to respond to!
Ill try to refrain from calling anyone names or being too beligerant.
In Brevard County we have the largest amount of cruise ships in Florida.
We all know that they dump their sewage, heck look around and you can see it floating on some days! The county board has stated that they have a report from a goverment scientist that there is no contamination and that there is no connection with the cruise ships and sewage in the water. O.K. einsteins lets get this right!
I want to know who the heck is dumping sewage then if its not the cruise ships its got to be the county. They are responsible for sewage and next to the cruise ships they've got the most of it, My Opinion is their full of ****.
I remember "greenpeace" stopping whalers in the pacific back in the early 80s, as a matter of fact I was there! I watched a small rubber boat with 4 men in it drive right in front of the whalers boat! The harpoon operator could'nt get a shot off and the whale got away. Those crazy *******s had a passion for what they beleived in and ill never forget it. Im not trying to start a riot or break any laws but if somebody had a boat and the same passion as those guys Id have to say **** happens.
Maybe if we bring enough attention well get something done about it.
How about getting about 50-100 boats out in front of the inlet with picket signs,
Its legal and it would slow them down and people would get upset waiting to get off!
let me know what day is good for everyone!
the sad fact is that there is so much of this kind of BS going on it will make your head spin. Most people just dont care. Alot of people will claim to care, but that is only talk. You see who cares when it comes to actions - and you see it first hand, Sam, by the turn out to events you put on. 1000's of people dive every weekend and what do you get - a handful of people at best to turn out to the clean up events? It isnt just divers, I do beach clean ups too and pepper busting and it is the same thing - 1000's of poeple use the beach and lagoon and it gives to them in ways you cant measure, yet they make excuses to find reasons not to spend a hot Saturday picking up trash for half a day.

Money is the problem and root of it all - everyone likes going on a cruise and would rather turn the other way and enjoy their cruise than say "I am not going to give them my money because....". Until that happens, they will get away with it.

How about the raping of real estate that is going on right now. Where can you go in FL that you dont see condo's going up? A larger tax base is all the govt cares about and we have slowly elected these transplant bafoons into govt that have no clue about "the real Florida" and think they know what is best for us.

How about the desalinization plant SJRWMD is "studying" for Brevard County right now. Going to dump the salt or brine I think they call it back into our stagent lagoon. Hmmm, that doesnt sound good. but they will make their "study" fit as it needs to proceed I am sure.

How about the (for anyone in Lee County). The govt can spend millions of dollars on frivilous things, but cant raise the extra 50 million to buy this pristine 90,000 acres. How much did they spend replacing temporary sand on the beaches from the hurricanes? For the select few who choose, unwisely, to buy a house 100 feet from the ocean. How many times has it been done in the past and the sand is washed back out to sea the next NE'er we get? Didnt Einstein define insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

How about the - well nevermind, I will get off my soapbox now. I know how you feel Sam.

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