It’s not the whole answer, but the easier it is to see the more likely it is to be acknowledged.
Then, I would hope, you are in favor of using the same punishment for a yield sign on the highway. The punishment should be in line with the offense.
That needs to be changed, but I don’t think summarily executing offenders is the proper way to do it, although it could work.
1. Research a reasonable way to increase the visibility of dive flags. And make clearcut definitions of offenses.
2. Start with a $500 fine, loss of boating privileges (all states are starting some kind of boating license program) for a year, community service about dive flag awareness, and recertification to operate a boat.
If the boat “gets away” but is identified, it is confiscated until the operator is identified.
3. Increase penalties for each repeat offense.
4. Set up undercover enforcement at dive locations. Once law enforcement takes it seriously, so will boaters.
Once there is an accident, a whole different set of laws apply.
Are their laws or rules for jet ski drivers in place in most watersport locations? I see them racing around, often young drivers, and frankly they scare me and I usually decided to stay our of the water when they are around.