PADI Speciality Instructor Manual

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craig chamberlain

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500 - 999

Tomorrow i am going to teach a nitrox course and so today i was looking through the inst spec manual and found it to be a bit impractical, 2 eanx instructor guides for example, one apparantly being old with different standards seems abit pointless, standards being incorrect like min age changing from 15 to 12? also does anyone else find that the knowledge review answer keys being in the appendix instead of padi pro site a bit of an inconvienience? Would it not be better to make a version of the inst spec manual like the normal inst manual with required papers and standrads in the same format?

The old table guide is there as when this edition of the SIM was produced we still had materials available for it whilst it was being phased out. The materials for this course are seldom stocked any more, so we can just focus on the computer version of the course now. The computer version is due to be updated. The paperwork to us is now the Con Ed Admin Document and not the stated EANx Liability. And as you stated, the min age is now 12.

Having worked on remote islands and liveaboards in Asia, I prefer the KRs on the disc, as internet connections can be slow/intermittent/non-existent.
I'll be honest. I prefer working disc. Same problems we can have occasionaly with the internet. I had it downloaded and still use the second knowledge review questions for practice with the tables. I know that computers are the more common teaching option at the moment but I always like to teach the tables so everybody has the core understanding of the material before using the computers. just my little input...

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