PADI Rescue Diver cert requirements

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I'm a little confused on the requirements for the Rescue Diver certification from PADI. I am advance diver certified and am looking to go a little further.

First question: I know CPR/First Aid is required. But, is there any specialty they require? Is infant required? I can't imagine why, but want to make sure I am covered.

Second question: I see they have this as an e-learning course. What about in classroom training? If required, is this covered in the e-learning costs?

Thanks in advance.
The PADI RD requires an EFR course which is still current, they do allow equivalents but check. The EFR (for us) was 3 evenings which included some practical, a video and going over theory. There is also a Theory exam.

RD can be done in 2 days, there is the pre-requsite video, but the rest of the theory is home study, the theory exam takes about 1 hr.

The practicals for RD are over 2 days, pool and open water. Some say it's the most challenging thing they've done. I didn't think so. But it really does depend on how comfortable your are in the water. We got "stress tested" in the pool by having our masks and regs "knocked off" my wife and I aren't bothered by either so that wasn't really a stress.

Taking your gear off and the casualties, in open water while giving rescue breaths can be physically demanding, but again it depends how comfortable you are in the water. Our dive count when we took it was 350 for me and 700 for my wife, so we're pretty happy in open water. If you've only done a few benign dives following a guide then it may be a bit more demanding.

It's certainly worth doing as it makes you think some more, I enjoyed it as PADI differ on some aspects to BSAC and so comparing the different approaches is interesting
Also, requires the PADI Adventure Diver certification - Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive.
As part of my Advanced Diver cert, I had a navigation course.
Really - when? I did my RD this year I just needed to show my AOW card. I think someone is being over sold courses
In order to get your AOW you were required to complete the Navigation adventure dive.

A diver who has not completed all 5 of the required AOW dives can receive a partial cert called Adventure Diver if they have completed 3 of the 5 dives.
So Rescue diver course does not require the complete AOW as long as the diver has at least Adventure Diver and one of those 3 dives was the Navigation dive.
Most complete AOW prior to starting Rescue.

This also means that Jr divers aged 10-11 can take rescue once they complete Adventure diver. Jr divers age 10-11 are limited to 40ft and can not complete all of the JR AOW requirements like the deep adventure dive.
I'm a little confused on the requirements for the Rescue Diver certification from PADI. I am advance diver certified and am looking to go a little further.

First question: I know CPR/First Aid is required. But, is there any specialty they require? Is infant required? I can't imagine why, but want to make sure I am covered.

Second question: I see they have this as an e-learning course. What about in classroom training? If required, is this covered in the e-learning costs?

Thanks in advance.

I realised there hasn't been a complete reply to all your questions, so here's my attempt.

1. Any specialty requirement for CPR/First Aid? No.
Is infant required? No.
The only pre-requisites for rescue course in additon to CPR/First aid are:
12 Years old
Adventure Diver Certification (which you already meet since you have the Advance Open Water Certification)

2. E-learning course only? No.
I assume you are referring to the e-learning version of the Rescue Diver course you see on PADI website. PADI has moved onto a Prescriptive Teaching format for Theory (aka Knowledge Development in PADI lingo), which simply means students self study and answer knowledge reviews by themselves. Instructors only have to go through questions missed.

But that's only for the knowledge development portion of the course. Even if you take up the e-learning option, you will still have to find a dive center/instructor to complete the knowledge review and exam, rescue exercises and rescue scenarios. These are not included in the e-learning course fees.

Hope it helps.
It depends on how your dive shop teaches it. The only PADI requirement for Rescue Diver is AOW certification.
A lot of shops like to make their own "requirements" so they can sell you more courses...."Yeah you need this and that and this and this here."

EFR is actually day 2 of the Rescue Diver course. EFR is an 8-hour course. Rescue diver is a 23-hour course. In fact, when a student signs up for the EFR course at my shop, they sit in on day 2 of the Rescue Diver course. There they participate with the Rescue Diver students doing CPR on the dummy. CPR is technically a requirement of the Rescue course, but that's a part of the rescue course unless your instructor has chopped it up into several pieces to sell you more stuff. If for some weird reason you just cannot comprehend CPR and you can't pass the CPR requirements on day 2 of the Rescue Diver class, you won't be Rescue Diver certified. But EFR or CPR isn't a prerequisite. (unless your shop is soaking you for another fee).

If your are OW certified and your dive shop is selling you something more than a 23-hour course then find a new dive shop. They're doing the "Yessiireee, the Cadillac is only $18,500!" Then you find out later the transmission is another 10 grand and the motor is another 20 grand and the tires are 2 grand. If you want a radio add 5 hundred and if you want seats, that'll be $6,000 more.

We have a dive shop here in town that price baits like that. Supposedly their Advanced Open Water Certification course is "only $230.00" (they don't tell you you have to buy the air you use and you have to rent their gear and you have to buy their PADI manual and you have to pay for the charters to get the dives that qualify you for AOW certification. So at the end of the day your "AOW Certification" actually costs you about $475, not $230.)

From PADI: "You also need to have Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months. You can complete this training during the Rescue Diver course."

Some shady operators want to sell you a CPR course and the EFR course. They'll tell you you need the EFR course before you can take the RD course. CPR and First Aid is integrated into the Rescue Diver course.

If you review the PADI Master Scuba Diver Application, it asks for 4 things: The date you received AOW cert, the date you received Rescue Diver Cert, the dates of your 5 specialties, and verification that you have the 50 required logged dives. It doesn't ask for CPR or First Aid cert because those are assumed if you successfully completed the RD cert; CPR and FA is part of the RD cert. Neither does it ask for OW cert date because you can't do the AOW or RD if you're not OW certified. So it's assumed also if you're AOW certified then you must be OW certified.

PADI words it a little confusing, but that works out to the dive shop's advantage.
"PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite certification for enrollment is PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or an equivalent rating. Divers must also complete a PADI Emergency First Response Course or equivalent First Aid and CPR Course prior to course completion."

You'll note that is an "or", not an "and"...
Divers must also complete a PADI Emergency First Response Course *or* equivalent First Aid and CPR Course prior to course completion."
As I stated, CPR and First Aid is day 2 of the RD course.
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EFR is actually day 2 of the Rescue Diver course.
EFR is not a standard part of any Rescue course. It might be packaged that way by your LDS, but it is a different course.
You can complete this training during the Rescue Diver course."
that is NOT quite correct - it states "training may be completed ALONG WITH the rescue diver course" - as a prereq meaning you can start the rescue course, but can't finish until EFR or an equivalent are finished.

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