PADI gave member info to US Government

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I would prefer that they say "We'll provide you the information when you provide us a warrant." I'm still trying to find out what their privacy policy actually is. So far I can only find which I am sure is different than PADI.

This goes back to the airlines, especially JetBlue, who violated their own privacy guidelines by giving information to the government. If I can't trust a company to abide by their own policies, I generally don't do business with them. For example, I really doubt that I would ever join PADI as a member (not that I was ever sure I would anyway). is the PADI web site.
Haven't you noticed the amount of junk mail you get since you were PADI certified? That should explain their privacy policy to you. As far as PADI is concerned an address list of divers is pure gold.
Are they stopping terrorism? Have they arrested SCUBA divers that were planning on blowing things up?

I could think of 100 things that might stop terrorism, but many would be ineffective and not work well (like the TSA).

I don't really care if YOU are willing to give up your privacy, but I am not.

What information do you not want known to the FBI?
Your name, Your address? They already have it.
Are you hiding something?
I live in the east bay.
I was certified through PADI, in the east bay.
The FBI has not knocked down my door.

But I do wear a tinfoil hat everytime I walk out the door, maybe that protects me ( is a tinfoil hat DIR?).
Not what I meant at all. What I meant was that there was no legal reason to not give them what they asked for.

According to my attourny I had no legal obligation to former students to keep the fact that they had begun a class confidential.

Cool... Thanks for the clarification... I was really worried thinking that your attorney told you that you had to give that info to the government.
MikeFerrara: is the PADI web site.
Haven't you noticed the amount of junk mail you get since you were PADI certified? That should explain their privacy policy to you. As far as PADI is concerned an address list of divers is pure gold.

You think PADI is the source of junk e-mail?
Is it dive related or porn?
Or MAYBE just maybe it is someone who understands computers, specificaly windows XP. Why not blame microsoft?
They have many holes in their security, just like our gov't.
I don't want to join the debate here, but I do have a question. Can someone explain to me why they just got PADI records and not NAUI, SSI, or any other agencys? I'm just curious, but I think that terrorists could probably get certified under and agency they wanted.....

OK I see where this is going. The patriot act was not put there to protect us. It was only put there to take away ALL your civil rights. We should put a stop to our gov't when it comes to gathering information that may protect us. Let the chips fall where they may. Everyman for themselves, forget protecting your loved ones.
Excuse me, my tinfoil hat is calling me.
I don't want to join the debate here, but I do have a question. Can someone explain to me why they just got PADI records and not NAUI, SSI, or any other agencys? I'm just curious, but I think that terrorists could probably get certified under and agency they wanted.....


That is a good question. If they went after Padi records, I would assume they went after all agencies. I didn't start this thread, but maybe you could ask Rob.
You think PADI is the source of junk e-mail?
Is it dive related or porn?
Or MAYBE just maybe it is someone who understands computers, specificaly windows XP. Why not blame microsoft?
They have many holes in their security, just like our gov't.

I didn't say anything about email at all. I get tons of real mail.

I did go to the Our World Underwater Show once. Apparantly one of the guys who runs it also owns a dive shop. I had a heck of a time getting him to stop sending me his junk.

Everytime you give your name it goes on some ones list and often gets sold or traded.
In the wake of 911 and reports of terrorists seeking scuba and rebreather training for terrorist attack and doing the same thing they did with the flight lessons. (not finish so they couldn't be traced.) not to derail your whole rant about PADI's conduct but they went to all dive shop and all dive agencies....I gladly gave up all the info on my "Fail to completes" for PADI, IDEA and TDI. what info was given. Name, Last known address/Phone number and reason for fail to complete if known....hardly damaging lighten up Francis.
So if the means of gathering evidence is to bust down our doors and search our homes is that okay. Is it okay to stop our cars and our persons and rifle through our belongings. It all starts with easily giving in on the small demands. Don't give up what the fathers of this country spilt sweat and blood to secure! The governments only purpose was to protect our rights from infringement and to protect our soil from foreign aggression, not make every american a suspect... I resent that!
Read 1984 if you haven't yet, the governments paradigm is better let then never!

If you give up a little freedom for security, you will have neither. -Benjamin Franklin

OK I see where this is going. The patriat act was not put there to protect us. It was only put there to take away ALL your civil rights. We should put a stop to our gov't when it comes to gathering information that may protect us. Let the chips fall where they may. Everyman for themselves, forget protecting your loved ones.
Excuse me, my tinfoil hat is calling me.

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