PADI Divemaster..Cost of Insurance of Maintenance

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Dive Hawk

Reaction score
Arizona, USA
# of dives
50 - 99
EDIT: Sorry, the title should read Cost of Insurance and Maintenance (as in maintaining DM status)...

Sometime in the next year or so, I was thinking I may want to become a Divemaster. I have heard that DM's have to pay special liability insurance. I was wondering, first, what this insurance actually is, and second, how much it costs.

Also, to maintain DM status, what do you have to do? Are there any special processes, or is it once a DM, always a DM sort of thing?

Thanks in advance.
Costs to be a PADI professional:

1. PADI dues
2. Liability Insurance

The PADI dues are due at the end of each calendar year, and they are good for the next calendar year. I think the DM dues are around $100 and Instructor dues are around $200.

The liability insurance is required to help protect you (and PADI and dive shops) from any potential lawsuits coming from your teaching/DM activities. For an instructor the insurance costs around $600 per year (less for a DM). It is on a July through June rotation.

Both are required for PADI to consider you to be an "teaching status" DM/Instructor.
Thanks for the quick response.

Is there a choice in terms of which company you want to buy the insurance from, or is it a preset group?

P.S. Go Cubs!
I agree with DBailey.

PADI Dues:
slightly less than $100

Liability Insurance:
DM runs $305 and slightly less if just assisting.

Personally, I'd think that if you're away from being a DM for any length of time, you should go through an internship again to brush up on any changes that may have occurred while you were away.

Maybe one of the CDs will jump in and comment, if there's something specified if away for a while.
I believe the liability insurance is not actually required, but almost everybody gets it since the Instructor's insurance doesn't cover DMs. I think it may be required in some countries. I also believe to become "inactive" one simply lets everything lapse and to become active again you just start paying your membership fee/insurance again. Pros correct me if I'm wrong.
Costs to be a PADI professional:

1. PADI dues
2. Liability Insurance

The PADI dues are due at the end of each calendar year, and they are good for the next calendar year. I think the DM dues are around $100 and Instructor dues are around $200.

The liability insurance is required to help protect you (and PADI and dive shops) from any potential lawsuits coming from your teaching/DM activities. For an instructor the insurance costs around $600 per year (less for a DM). It is on a July through June rotation.

Both are required for PADI to consider you to be an "teaching status" DM/Instructor.

Is it required to be insured through PADI's legal minions? I've been checking and given the insurance I already carry through my agent, I can get plenty of coverage for far less than what they want for an instructor . . .
If you want to be a active PADI DM in the United States you must have liability insurance per the PADI Instructor Manual and PADI Standards, and have your yearly dues paid in full.

You can get you insurance anywhere that will insure you. There are a number of threads on who has the best price, but it is all about $300 to $400 a year.

Outside of the U.S. I do not know what the requirements are, but I can't believe that a PADI dive professional in Canada would be able to get away with not having insurance.

Some other certification agencies also will require liability insurance, but not being afiliated I can't tell you the rules.
Professional Liability Insurance is required if you want to be an "active" DM. Any insurance company that can meet the standards of the agency is OK.
Membership Status
Active Status
Active status authorizes PADI Divemasters to perform the duties
of a PADI certifi ed assistant and conduct courses as outlined.
1. PADI Membership Renewal and dues for the current
year on fi le at your PADI Offi ce.
2. Agree to PADI Membership and License Agreements.
3. Proof of current professional liability insurance as
required by your PADI Offi ce (See the Pros’ Site at
4. One of the following verifi ed by your PADI Offi ce:
• Became a PADI Divemaster the previous year, or
• Renewed in Active Status the previous year, or
• Met Active Status requirements as defi ned by your
PADI Offi ce.
Inactive Status
A member in Inactive Status does not receive benefi ts of
membership and is not authorized to perform the duties of a
certifi ed assistant, nor conduct courses as outlined.
Teaching Status
Teaching Status authorizes PADI Instructors and Assistant
Instructors to teach PADI courses and certify students as
PADI Divers.

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